20th Century

Showing 25–36 of 223 results

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    A brightly colored map by Frederick Griffin featuring the Arms of the Government of Northern Ireland in the upper and lower margins. The map shows elegant illustrations highlighting the sights, roads, tourist attractions, history, and myths of the region. A key at bottom left identifies a wide range of locations, including ports, youth hostels, golf courses, castles, cathedrals, megaliths, industrial centres, swimming areas, roads, and more. On the verso there is additional promotional text and…

    • Author: Frederick Griffin
    • Dimension: 54 x 40 cm
    • Year: 1950
    • Place of publication: Belfast
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    Separately issued map of Peru designed by Vsevolod Petrovic Nicouline published in Lima, 1940 at Itituto Peruano del Libro. The pictorial map shows vignettes of structures, nature, activities, products, crops and many towns and cities labeled. Vsevolod Petrovic Nicouline (1890-1962) was a renowned Russian painter, printmaker, ceramicist, designer and illustrator born in the Ukraine in 1890. For a time he was with the Imperial Academy of Petersburg. His teaching career there was interrupted by the…

    • Author: Vsevolode Nicouline
    • Dimension: 59,5 x 40 cm
    • Place of publication: Lima
    • Year: 1940
  • pictorial map world

    Color pictorial map of the world with decorative border and coat of arms of major cities. Designed by Jacques Liozu, published by Ode Paris in 1951.

    • Author: Jacques Liozu
    • Dimension: 33 x 50 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1951
  • pictorial world map

    A rare 1945 pictorial world map by Herbert Leupin, one of the most successful poster artists of all time.

    • Author: Herbert Leupin
    • Dimension: 46 x 80 cm
    • Place of publication: Bern
    • Year: 1945
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    A fascinating pictorial map of the world published by 小学館 Shōgakukan in 1956.

    • Author: 小学館 Shōgakukan
    • Dimension: 50 x 63 cm
    • Place of publication: Osaka
    • Year: 1956
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    Pictorial map of Silesia designed in elegant Gothic style by the painter Maximilian Hüttisch (1911-1988) and published in Munich in 1950 at Christ Unterwegs. The map centered on Wroclaw shows the most important cities through their most characteristic historical building and is completed by lovely vignettes depicting the natural, industrial and productive resources of the area. The fine map is completed by a large title cartouche within a festoon, coat of arms of the region…

    • Author: Maximilian Hüttisch
    • Dimension: 54 x 85 cm
    • Place of publication: Monaco
    • Year: 1950
  • neuman octopus map prussia

    Striking French propaganda poster map showing Germany as a monstrous octopus threatening Europe with tentacles extending not only west to France, England, Spain and Italy, but to the Balkans and Greece, Turkey and Asia Minor, Romania and Russia. Germany is shown in different shadings of red, indicating its numerous annexations of surrounding territory since 1740, the most recent being the 1871 seizure of Alsace-Lorraine during the Franco-Prussian War making a comparison between the territorial conquest…

    • Author: Maurice Neumont
    • Dimension: 60 x 78 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1917
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    Carta geografica pittorica della Russia disegnata per l’Expo ’58, l’Esposizione Universale di Bruxelles che si tenne dal 17 aprile al 19 ottobre 1958. Fu la prima esposizione mondiale su larga scala del secondo dopoguerra. Una volta terminata la fiera, il padiglione sovietico fu smontato e riportato in Russia ad eccezione del modello dello Sputnik, che scomparve misteriosamente. La mappa descrive attraverso deliziose vignette sul territorio le risolse naturali e produttive della nazione. In alto a…

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    • Year: 1958
  • Raro manifesto di propaganda anti-sovietica edito dalla sezione francese dell’unione internazionale dei lavoratori che mostra la rete dei “Gulag”, i campi di prigionia e di lavoro forzato nell’Unione Sovietica. La mappa, che raffigura l’intera Russia dal Mar Baltico allo Stretto di Bering, evidenzia con delle aree in rosso l’ubicazione e l’estensione dei campi di lavoro forzato: con il simbolo della falce e del martello si indicano i campi amministrati localmente, mentre i punti rossi rappresentano i campi sotto il controllo centralizzato. Il primo lavoro di “mappatura” dei gulag sovietici è attribuito ai soldati polacchi Sylvester Mora e Pierre Zwierniak, che per primi disegnarono una carta per accompagnare il loro libro del 1945 Sprawiedliwość Sowiecka (Giustizia Sovietica).
    I Gulag furono creati immediatamente dopo la Rivoluzione Russa sotto l’amministrazione di Lenin, presero il nome dall’acronimo della frase russa “Direzione principale dei campi di lavoro correttivi” e nonostante fossero stati pensati per la generalità dei criminali, il sistema è noto soprattutto come mezzo di repressione degli oppositori politici dell’Unione Sovietica. Tutti gli occupanti vivevano in condizioni estremamente difficili, segnate da cibo povero, lavori pesanti e alta mortalità. Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, le dimensioni e la brutalità del Gulag fornirono molte ragioni alla propaganda anti-sovietica durante la Guerra Fredda.

    • Author: Isaac Don Levine
    • Dimension: 58 x 76 cm
    • Year: 1951
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    A pictorial map published as a goose game in East Berlin in 1957 by the Grain Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education. Below the propaganda inset: “On November 7, 1957, the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, this supplement brings you a puzzle with a goose game that will give you the opportunity to visit and get to know the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)”

    • Dimension: 28 x 40 cm
    • Place of publication: Berlin
    • Year: 1957
  • etna sicily
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    Superb pictorial bird’s-eye view of Mount Etna drawn by the legendary illustrator Heinrich Caesar Berann and published in 1953 by the Catania Tourist Board. This charming tourist map is illustrated in baroque style with decorative borders and an antique-looking map of Catania in the left side-panel. On the verso are photographs of Etna and its environs, accompanied by information about climbing the volcano. Heinrich Caesar Berann (1915 – 1999) was an Austrian painter and cartographer. He achieved…

    • Author: Heinrich Caesar Berann
    • Dimension: 43 x 62 cm
    • Place of publication: Genoa
    • Year: 1953
  • Out of stock

    Large pictorial map showing the handicraft products of each Spanish town through lovely vignettes. Published in Barcelona in 1947 at the Llauger S.A. for the trade union association of artisans based in Madrid.

    • Dimension: 86 x 70 cm
    • Place of publication: Barcelona
    • Year: 1947