Benelux & Switzerland

Showing 1–12 of 31 results

  • Very detailed map showing the province of Hainaut in Belgium and the area of Cambrai in France from Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy’s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken early in his ecclesiastical career and…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 605 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Very detailed and decorative map in two sheets of Brabant from Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy?s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken early in his ecclesiastical career and never suppressed. He made very famous globes…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 453 x 608 mm each
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Important Coronelli’s map in two sheets of Flanders, the coastline running from Calais to Zeeland in the Netherlands. Including major cities along the coast such as Dunkerque, Oostende, Cassel, Lille, Roeselare (Rouselare) and Tournai (Doornick) in Belgium. From the amazing Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice, 1690. Map extends through the Northern region in France to the cities of Douai and Vieux-Conde located at the bottom of the map. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 605 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Very detailed map of Namur region in central Belgium. Includes several coats of arms and decorative cartouche with the dedication to Solari. From Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy’s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken early…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 605 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Very rare first edition of the Hainaut map by Abraham Ortelius The history of this rare map is fascinating. It was based on a manuscript map by Jacques Surhon (1548), which for security reasons was not published. In 1572, Ortelius applied for privilege to publish the map, but it was never granted. The plate wasengraved anyway, and some prints (perhaps 100) made from it appeared in the 1573-1575 editions of Theatrum. That plate was then…

    • Author: ORTELIUS Abraham
    • Year: 1573
    • Dimension: 374 x 506 mm
    • Place of publication: Antwerp
  • Very detailed map of Liege area from Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy’s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken early in his ecclesiastical career and never suppressed. He made very famous globes (including an impressive very…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 606 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • A finely engraved and detailed map of the Duchy of Luxemburg, one of the largest scale published to date. The cartouche also contains a dedication to Bernardo Bernardi.

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 606 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Fine map engraved by Petrus Kaerius, this map is filled with mountains, cities and villages. The map is oriented with north at right and is decorated with strapwork title, distance scale and key cartouches. From the Mercator Hondius “Atlas Minor” published in Amsterdam in 1648 at Jannsonius with german text on verso. In 1607 Jodocus Hondius published a reduced size version of Mercator’s “Atlas”, itself suitably titled “Atlas Minor”. The maps were copied from those…

    • Author: MERCATOR Gerard - HONDIUS Henricus
    • Year: 1648
    • Dimension: 205 x 160 mm
    • Place of publication: Amsterdam
  • Elegant Italian map by Filippo Naymiller showing The Netherlands published in Milan. Includes a second sheet of text embellished by vignettes of Amsterdam and Brussels engraved by Baldi. It provides really interesting geographical and statistical information of the Countries. The map was finely engraved by Pietro Allodi. From Atlante di geografia universale: cronologico, storico, statistico e letterario Milan, 1860 at Litografia Pagnoni.

    • Author: Filippo Naymiller, Francesco Pagnoni
    • Dimension: 32 x 42 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1860
  • A fine panorama of Amsterdam engraved by Johann Friedrich Leopold (signed at bottom right) after F.B. Werner. At top two cherubs with a key to 40 point of interest. Below with a text about the history of the town in Latin and German. Published in Augsburg in 1730

    • Author: LEOPOLD Johann Christian
    • Year: 1730
    • Dimension: 300 x 200 mm
    • Place of publication: Augsburg
  • A stunning example of Coronelli’s map of Holland in two sheet to join. The upper sheet covers from Friesland to Amsterdam including all of the Zuyder Zee. The southern map covers from the Haarlem Meer south to Breeda and east to Batenborg. This map also prominently displays Holland’s elaborate canal and irrigation network. Each sheet has its own very decorative title cartouche engraved in the Italian baroque style. From Corso Geografico Universale by Coronelli published…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 455 x 605 mm each
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Interesting italian map of Limburg showing the areas of Maastricht, Liege, Aix, and Gulik. The cartouche also contains a dedication to Battista Buceti. From Corso Geografico Universale by Vincenzo Coronelli published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy’s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 600 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice