Interesting map of Morocco showing the mines of gold, silver, iron, lead, zinc and other natural resources of the African state. The bilingual map published in French and Arabic is embellished by decorative vignettes with wild animals, artisans intent on working the iron, a whale and a sailing ship along the Atlantic coasts of Morocco and a large wind rose in elegant Arabic style. In the lower right-hand corner is the legend with the symbols of natural resources, while the entire left-hand side is dominated by the list of graphic symbols for reading the map, including communication routes, active and exhausted mines, and processing and export centres. Designed by cartographer Moussa Saadi, engraved by J.F. Arembourg and published by the Geological Survey of Morocco in 1975 for Elecro-Watt of Zurich.
[Morocco] Les anciennes mines du Maroc (de la préhistoire au XIXème siècle)
Interesting map of Morocco showing metal mines from prehistoric times to the 19th century.
- Author: Moussa Saadi
- Dimension: 52 x 72 cm
- Place of publication: Rabat
- Year: 1975
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A lovely and uncommon map of French west Africa published in Paris by the pharmaceutical laboratories Neutroses-Vichy in 1939 at Petit Jean. The Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, and the other french regions are symbolized by small vignette.
- Dimension: 310 x 210 mm
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A colourful lithograph map of Belgian Congo, a Belgian colony in Central Africa between 1908 and 1960, what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Marked are cities, towns, rivers, factories, ports, Catholic and Protestant missions, people, agricultural products, mines and minerals, plants, animals, roads, railroads, airways with distances, rivers, waterways, etc. Designed by Frans Laboulais and published in Brussels at Visscher in 1949.
- Author: Frans Laboulais (1903 - 1988)
- Dimension: 110 x 84 cm
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Carta economica della Tripolitania e Cirenaica dedicata a S.A.R. il Duca di Genova. Pubblicata dalla Società di esplorazione commerciale in Africa sotto la direzione del Capitano M. Camperio …
More InfoDettagliata carta geografica della Tripolitania e Cirenaica edita dalla Società di esplorazione commerciale in Africa e compilata dal geografo ed esploratore Manfredo Camperio. L’attività del Camperio in Africa fu di grande intensità tanto che l’esploratore fu tra i primi a portare l’attenzione dell’Italia sulle coste libiche organizzando missioni di studio, alle quali partecipò personalmente. In particolare, il Camperio fu incaricato il 7 febbraio 1881, dal Comitato della Società d’Esplorazione Commerciale in Africa, di partire per…
- Author: Manfredo Camperio (1826-1899)
- Dimension: 47 x 64 cm
- Place of publication: Milan
- Year: 1883