Showing 1–12 of 29 results
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An uncommon map of Europe in the shape of a Queen after the same image published by Munster in 1588. Europa as Queen is the map-like depiction of the European continent as a Queen. Made popular in the 1500s, the map shows Europe standing upright, with the Iberian Peninsula forming her crowned head, and Bohemia her heart. During the late 16th Century, a few map makers created these really interesting map images, wherein countries and continents were given human or animal forms. This example was published in Cosmorama Pittorico, Milan 1850. The description on verso explain, curiously, that the Singolar Carta d’Europa (strange map of Europe) shows surely King Charles V.
- Dimension: 10,5 x 17 cm
- Place of publication: Milan
- Year: 1850
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A beautiful serio-comic map drawn by Augusto Grossi (signature at lower left on the Spanish coast) published in Bologna in 1875 in the satirical magazine “Il Pappagallo”. It shows Europe with Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in the centre who, like a Saint Anthony the Abbot, “blesses” and appeases the various nations each represented by an animal. In 1875, German diplomats and semi-official newspapers hinted that Germany might launch a war against France, which was rapidly…
- Dimension: 35 x 53 cm
- Place of publication: Bologna
- Year: 1875
[Prussian Octopus] En 1788 Mirabeau disait deja: La Guerre est l’industrie Nationale de la Prusse
More Info € 900,00Striking French propaganda poster map showing Germany as a monstrous octopus threatening Europe with tentacles extending not only west to France, England, Spain and Italy, but to the Balkans and Greece, Turkey and Asia Minor, Romania and Russia. Germany is shown in different shadings of red, indicating its numerous annexations of surrounding territory since 1740, the most recent being the 1871 seizure of Alsace-Lorraine during the Franco-Prussian War making a comparison between the territorial conquest…
- Dimension: 60 x 78 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1917
A rare satirical caricature showing the British Empire as a mighty colossus standing astride the Dardanelles facing the Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus, and the Black Sea. The fine lithograph refers to an episode in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) when the Ottomans defeated by the Russians were aided by the British Empire. A warning to the world against Russia’s duplicity, but also against Great Britain itself, which, although a saviour here, nevertheless expresses a sinister…
- Dimension: 40 x 56 cm
- Place of publication: Bologna
- Year: 1877
Decorative large pictorial system map of Europe and Northern Africa signed Hawes, showing BEA and affiliate routes (Aer Lingus, Alitalia, Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, and The Malta Airlines). Illustrated with figures representing regional dress; animals and fish; landmarks; mountain ranges; roads; railways; and major cities. The map is embellished by BEA airliner depicted over the Mediterranean Sea and compass rose with the Coat of Arms. Published in London, 1953 by George Philip & Son, Ltd. British…
- Dimension: 85 x 109 cm
- Place of publication: London
- Year: 1953
Miniature map covering area of Chalons, Avalon and Dijon. From “Theatro del Mondo” the famous plagiarised version of Ortelius’ pocket atlas published specifically for the Italian market by Pietro Marchetti. First printed in Brescia this is the really rare Venetian edition of 1667. [cod.1212/15]
- Year: 1667
- Dimension: 75 x 105 mm
- Place of publication: Venice
Fascinating map, showing the routes of the Barbarians throughout Europe and the Mediterranean finely engraved by Pietro Allodi after a drawn by Filippo Naymiller. From Atlante di geografia universale: cronologico, storico, statistico e letterario. Milan, 1860 at Tipografia Pagnoni.
- Year: 1860
- Place of publication: Milan
- Dimension: 43 x 33 cm
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Rare 1950 pictorial map of Europe produced for educational purposes showing the continent at the beginning of 20th century. There are lovely vignettes throughout the map to illustrate the main features of the various area.
- Dimension: 60 x 80 mm
- Year: 1950
Fascinating map of Europe Asia based on Ortelius’ engraved by Girolamo Porro for “Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo” by Giovanni Antonio Magini published in Padua, 1621.
- Year: 1621
- Dimension: 14 x 18 cm
- Place of publication: Padova
Very decorative pictorial map of Europe by Joop Geesink for KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines.
- Dimension: 40 x 54,5 cm
- Place of publication: Haarlem
- Year: 1957
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Highly decorative and detailed pictorial map of Europe by cartographers Otto Wommelsdorff and Carl Schietzel, featuring illustrations by artist Wilhelm Neufeld to depict cultural, folkloristic, and economic aspects of each nation. Published in Bergen in 1951 at Müller & Kiepenheuer.
- Dimension: 84 x 105 cm
- Place of publication: Bergen
- Year: 1951
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Pregevole e rara veduta a volo d’uccello che mostra l’intera Europa dalle coste del Mediterraneo in primo piano fino all’Islanda, all’”Oceano Glaciale” e la curvatura terrestre sullo sfondo. Pubblicata dalla ditta Vallardi di Milano nel 1845 con un raffinatissimo tratto litografico e un decorativo e riuscito accostamento cromatico. I Vallardi furono una famiglia di editori, librai e tipografi milanesi.La storia della casa editrice inizia nel XVIII secolo, quando Francesco Cesare Vallardi (1736-1799) cominciò la produzione…
- Dimension: 40 x 52 cm
- Place of publication: Milan