
Showing 1–12 of 86 results

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    Large poster map showing the origin (highlighted in shiny silver) of the ingredients for the production of Astra’s margarine. Palm and peanut oil from French West and Equatorial Africa. The coconut oil from Polynesia. Published in Paris at Courbet 1955.

    • Author: Atelier Coubert
    • Dimension: 120 x 80 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1955
  • china map
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    Rara pubblicazione separata di propaganda che mostra la carta geografica della Cina circondata da otto medaglioni con i ritratti del leader militari cinesi con Mao Tse Toung in alto al centro. La carta mostra in basso l’epilogo della guerra civile cinese con un soldato che infilza una bandiera nella schiena del generale Chiang Kai-shek. Il primo ottobre 1949 Mao Tse-tung e le truppe dell’Esercito di Liberazione del Popolo entrarono a Piazza Tienanmen, sconfiggendo definitivamente i…

    • Dimension: 48 x 36 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1949
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    Grande e non comune manifesto che mostra una rappresentazione geografica pittorica della Corsica animata da numerosi navi e aerei in arrivo e in partenza dall’isola a sottolinearne la vivacità commerciale e turistica. Disegnata da Gabriel Carriat-Roland la carta mostra gli agglomerati urbani come piccole ma realistiche vedute con in evidenza le caratteristiche principali (vedi la statua di Napoleone ad Ajaccio). In basso due grandi illustrazioni riassumo le peculiarità commerciali, flora, fauna e le tipiche abitazioni…

    • Author: Gabriel Carriat-Roland
    • Dimension: 90 x 60 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1960
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    Lucien Boucher is a commercial poster artist and illustrator born in Chartres in 1889 and died in 1971. Graduated from the Ecole de céramiques de Sèvres, he began his career as a cartoonist for the satiric newspaper Le Rire. In the 1920s he worked actively as a poster designer for the movies and the advertising industry. He designed a significant number of lithographies inspired by the surrealism style. He’s very well known for his posters…

    • Author: Lucien Boucher
    • Dimension: 20 x 34 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
  • veduta milano

    Rare tinted lithography by Léon Auguste Asselineau after I.L. Deroy. Published in Paris by Lemercier circa 1840.

    • Author: DE ROY
    • Year: 1840 ca.
    • Dimension: 370 x 595 mm
    • Place of publication: Paris
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    Non comune versione con la firma del Dezauche e la data 1781 della grande carta geografica dello Stato di Milano e dei territori confinanti edita dal cartografo francese Jaillot per la prima volta nel 1706 e riproposta, corretta, in un secondo stato, nel 1731. Il titolo, in basso a sinistra, è iscritto in un cartiglio sormontato dallo stemma del Re di Francia sostenuto da due putti alati. Nell’angolo in alto a sinistra, sono raffigurate le…

    • Author: Jean-Claude Dezauche, JAILLOT Alexis Hubert
    • Dimension: 52 x 69 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1781
  • pictorial map world

    Color pictorial map of the world with decorative border and coat of arms of major cities. Designed by Jacques Liozu, published by Ode Paris in 1951.

    • Author: Jacques Liozu
    • Dimension: 33 x 50 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1951
  • neuman octopus map prussia

    Striking French propaganda poster map showing Germany as a monstrous octopus threatening Europe with tentacles extending not only west to France, England, Spain and Italy, but to the Balkans and Greece, Turkey and Asia Minor, Romania and Russia. Germany is shown in different shadings of red, indicating its numerous annexations of surrounding territory since 1740, the most recent being the 1871 seizure of Alsace-Lorraine during the Franco-Prussian War making a comparison between the territorial conquest…

    • Author: Maurice Neumont
    • Dimension: 60 x 78 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1917
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    Panorama of Barcelona taken from the sea finely engraved by Harmanus van Loon. From Suitte des Forces de l’Europe ou Quatrieme Partie de l’Introduction a la Fortification by Nicolas de Fer published in Paris, 1695.

    • Author: DE FER Nicolas
    • Year: 1695
    • Dimension: 295 x 100 mm
    • Place of publication: Paris
  • Rare copper engraved map of Switzerland. Showing Cantons and other independent regions, towns, villages, landmarks, forests, rivers and mountains. Relief shown pictorially. Includes decorative cartouches and compass rose. As in the title the map shows also the Valtellina, the beautiful valley in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, bordering Switzerland. From the rare Theatre geographique de France, contenant les cartes particulieres de ses provinces. Et celles de ses frontieres & pays adjacens published by Pierre-Jean…

    • Author: Pierre-Jean Mariett, TASSIN Nicolas
    • Year: 1653
    • Dimension: 510 x 365 mm
    • Place of publication: Paris
  • A very nice aquatint view by Gabriel Lory showing the Swiss Alps with the cascade of Nant d’Arpinaz. Published in Paris at Osterwald in 1820.

    • Author: Gabriel Lory
    • Dimension: 25 x 28 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1820
  • A very nice aquatint view by Gabriel Lory showing Mont Blanc glacier at the foot of a hill with a stream flowing from it and some bare rock in the foreground; two figures on the left of the mouth of the cave and three in the right hand foreground. Published in Paris at Osterwald in 1820.

    • Author: Gabriel Lory
    • Dimension: 25 x 28 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1820