
Showing 25–36 of 93 results

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    colourful large promotional map by Leon Craste designed to promote tourism and commercial development in Cameroon. Published by French Ministry of Overseas in 1950 at Imprimerie A. Karcher. The map shows the area from French West Africa (A.O.F.) and Nigeria to French East Africa and from Lake Chad to Gabon and Spanish Guinea; it is richly decorated by lovely illustrations of African animals (elephants, rhinos, lions, hippos, giraffes etc.) and a native people going about…

    • Author: Leon Craste
    • Dimension: 120 x 80 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1950
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    A large and most striking educational wall chart introducing the student to the wonders of the universe compiled by Etienne Laporte and engraved by Th. Gheldof. A large circular depiction of the solar system with star map and comets, printed in blue, black and white dominates, the upper half of the chart. Descriptive text, printed in eight columns, is found below and which describes each of the planets with one section devoted to a discussion of comets. Sixteen striking illustrations form a border around the chart and which include depiction’s of icebergs at the poles, the Cotopaxi Volcano, eclipses, a cross section of the earth, orbits of the comets, the phases of the moon, and faces of the moon and jupiter, a large telescope, and the Aurore Boreales. Four smaller circular illustrations surround the main solar system illustration, with the title located centrally and contained within an image of a globe. The British Library date their copy to 1875, with the BnF suggesting a date of 1877, another version with differences in the vignettes at David Rumsey map Centre (11289.000) is dated 1878. Dissected into 32 sections and laid on linen as issued due its nature ha some occasional light soiling and foxing, minor creases, traces of age or little hole without loss. Overall a striking example.

    • Author: Etienne Laporte
    • Dimension: 134 x 96 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1875
  • Large poster of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique designed by A. Lapree and M. Lezla, published in 1960 by Blondel La Rougery to promote the routes of the French shipping company. The map shows North Africa with the routes from French ports to the main landings in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia highlighted. At the bottom right is an insert with Corsica. It is enriched by a decorative wind rose and at the top by illustrations of one of the company’s liners and an aircraft to highlight the countries served by Air Algerie.

    • Author: A. LAPREE (LAPRÉE), Michel Lezla
    • Dimension: 60 x 95 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1960
  • antica mappa repubblica venezia
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    Copper-engraved map by Pierre-François Tardieu depicting the ancient State of Venice, with only cities, main roads, and rivers shown outside the frame line. Longitudes are indicated with respect to the meridian of the Isle of Iron (above) and the meridian of Paris (below), with the plate numbering ‘N.° 97. F.” in the upper right-hand corner. From the Atlas Universel de Geographie Physique et Politique by Pierre Chanlaire and Edmé Mentelle, published in Paris in 1797/98.

    • Author: Edmé Mentelle
    • Dimension: 45 x 34 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1797
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    Large map printed shortly before the Second Italian War of Independence
    • Author: Leonard Sagansas
    • Dimension: 62 x 96 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1859
  • Large poster of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique designed by Edouard Collin (signature bottom right) and published in 1959 by the Blondel La Rougery publishing house to promote the routes of the French shipping company. The map, centered on the Atlantic Ocean, is adorned with a wind rose, five ships of the line, and a large French flag. A table with a summary of the countries served and their respective national flags is also included. The…

    • Author: Edouard Collin
    • Dimension: 76 x 98 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1959
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    Interessante carta geografica centrata, come da titolo, sul corso del Po che si estende da Pavia a Ferrara e che mostra in elevato dettaglio parte dei territori di Milano, Bergamo, Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, Crema, Cremona, Mantova, Piacenza, Parma e Modena. Il titolo della carta corre al di sopra del margine superiore; nell’angolo inferiore sinistro troviamo tre scale metriche e in basso a destra firma dell’incisore Le Tellier che nonostante la raffinata e precisa tecnica che…

    • Author: Gilles-Robert de Vaugondy
    • Dimension: 51 x 74 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1742
  • pictorial world map

    Carte du Monde

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    A large and rare pictorial world map published in Paris in 1956 by the Blondel La Rougery publishing house. Following the genre made famous by Lucien Boucher with his production of posters for Air France, the map is drawn in the style of old maps and then decorated with a large compass rose and a cartouche with the title, both in classical style. On the continents, numerous vignettes describe territories with their indigenous populations, agricultural…

    • Author: Blondel La Rougery
    • Dimension: 103 x 70 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1956
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    Grande carta geografica sezionata in 18 riquadri riportati su tela che mostra l’alta Italia con le divisioni prima della seconda guerra d’indipendenza. Nel titolo si specifica che la zona di interesse è quella di Lombardia e Piemonte ma la mappa si estende a sud fino a Napoli e in bel dettaglio anche i paesi confinanti e nello specifico alla Francia per la quale è presente una legenda specifica per i segni convenzionali e le tante…

    • Author: Auguste Logerot
    • Dimension: 60 x 83 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1859
  • antica mappa lombardia
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    Carta geografica della Lombardia che come da tradizione cartografica seicentesca raffigura tutto il nord Italia ma con in evidenza i confini dei vari stati che componevano il territorio. La mappa è arricchita da un curioso cartiglio con il titolo che contempla un viso maschile situato nella parte inferiore. In basso a destra un secondo elegante inserto con le scale delle distanze. Incisa all’acquaforte da Pierre Duval la carta è tratta dall’opera Cartes Generales de Toutes…

    • Author: SANSON Nicolas D?Abeville
    • Dimension: 56,5 x 34,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1670
  • This extremely uncommon carte-a-figures map from the 19th century features the Iberian Peninsula and is surrounded with defly engraved figures and representations of places of note in Spain and Portugal. The vignettes flanking the map include Alhambra, Malaga, The Giralda Bell Tower of the Cathedral of Seville, Burgos Cathedral, Tower of Orangers in Seville, St. Nicholas’s Tower in Cordova, the Carmel Convent, Madrid, Lisbon and El Prado in addition to others. The figures below the map include a bull fighter and typical attire for residents of various parts of Spain and Portugal. The map is filled with details of roads, towns and cities, as well as topography and was made as a folding map to assist travelers in the region.

    • Author: A. R. Fremin
    • Dimension: 53,5 x 73 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1840
  • antica mappa italia settentrionale

    Rare map of northern Italy during the Second War of Independence in 1859, drawn by Jean Beaugean. The large and highly decorative map is interesting from a graphic perspective, being one of the first perspective representations of the territory. Delamarre and Beaugean added profile views of the main cities and small bird’s-eye views to emphasize the walls and fortifications. The Italian and French flags are depicted on the sides of the map, along with the…

    • Author: Jean Beaugean
    • Dimension: 60 x 86 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1859