Large poster map showing the origin (highlighted in shiny silver) of the ingredients for the production of Astra’s margarine. Palm and peanut oil from French West and Equatorial Africa. The coconut oil from Polynesia. Published in Paris at Courbet 1955.
[Carta Geo-Pittorica dell’Africa e della Polinesia Francese]
- Author: Atelier Coubert
- Dimension: 120 x 80 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1955
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Rare propaganda broadside illustrating the Italian East Africa.
- Author: Achille Rossi
- Dimension: 42 x 66 cm
- Place of publication: Milan
- Year: 1936
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Relief map by S.J. Turner representing a bird’s eye view from space encompassing a wide swath of the globe from Italian Somaliland at the lower edge to Morocco and Italy at the upper edge of the map. Shows the political divisions in the Horn of Africa during Italy’s conquest of the region, railways. major cities, and rivers. Includes European possession in Africa. Published in London, 1938 for Daily Herald.
- Author: S.J. Turner
- Dimension: 69 x 47 cm
- Place of publication: London
- Year: 1938
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Carte Touristique de Madagascar et Dependances Dresse sous la Direction de Urbain Faurec Conservateur du Musee de Tananarive
More InfoSuperba e rara grande carta geo-pittorica in 6 fogli uniti e riportati su tela pubblicata dal Service Geographique de Madagascar nel 1940 quando l’isola era ancora una colonia Francese. La carta mostra indicazioni pratiche per gli spostamenti come le principali vie di comunicazione, i fiumi, le foreste e le altezze in metri dei rilievi ed è ricchissima di vignette che rappresentano le peculiarità, edifici storici, flora e fauna del Madagascar. Completata in alto a sinistra…
- Author: Urbain Faurec (1893-1954)
- Dimension: 106 x 200 cm
- Place of publication: Tananarive (Madagascar)
- Year: 1940
“This is one of the most decorative and popular of all the early maps of Africa” [Norwich]
- Author: BLAEU Johannis
- Dimension: 41 x 55,5 cm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam
- Year: 1635