
Showing 37–48 of 93 results

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    A fascinating map focuses on Napoleon’s battles in late 18th century northern Italy. It also extends to southern France, depicting new departments created between 1790 and 1793 (Mont Blanc, Ain, Isère, Drôme, etc.). The map, based on Alexis-Hubert Jaillot’s cartography and extended by J.C. Chaumier, was printed in 1799 by the publisher Basett.

    • Author: J.C. Chaumier, JAILLOT Alexis Hubert
    • Dimension: 51 x 96 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1799
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    Grande carta geografica a stacchi pubblicata da Eugène Andriveau-Goujon e stampata a Parigi presso l’atelier litografico Lemercier nel 1859 in occasione della scoppio della Seconda Guerra di Indipendenza. La mappa ha la precisione e la ricchezza dei dati proprie delle carte disegnata per scopi militari e pone in evidenza le linee ferroviarie alcune delle quali sono sottolineate in rosso. Anche le montagne sono disegnate con molta efficacia e con un tratto nitido e preciso. Non…

    • Author: Eugène Andriveau-Goujon
    • Dimension: 60 x 101 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1859
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    Prima edizione della mappa ufficiale del Canale di Suez emessa dal suo costruttore la ‘Compagnie universelle du canal maritime de Suez’ e pubblicata a Parigi nel 1866. Si tratta di una grande carta geografica insolitamente decorativa grazie a una bellissima scelta di colori, che aveva lo scopo di promuovere e celebrare uno dei più grandi successi tecnici e ingegneristici della storia. Basata sui piani del direttore del canale, l’ingegnere civile François-Philippe Voisin, la mappa mostra…

    • Author: François Philippe Voisin
    • Dimension: 83 x 110 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1866
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    Large poster designed in 1970 by Alain Cornic to promote the renowned wines of the Côte d’Or, the Burgundy region in France centered around Dijon. The right side shows a pictorial map of the area embellished by vignettes with historical buildings along with differently colored grape clusters marking the wine production zones. The left side features an allegorical depiction of the wine-making process and includes a portrait of Georges-Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon, a notable…

    • Author: Alain Cornic
    • Dimension: 145 x 98 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1970
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    Decorative pictorial map of North-Western Africa by Lucien Boucher published by the French bank Crédit Lyonnais. Includes color coded list of agencies and coat of Arms on upper right corner. The lovely vignettes show major buildings and landmarks, parks, roads, cities and towns, etc. Credit Lyonnais, founded in 1863, can be regarded as the archetype of the banking modernization desired by Napoleon III. Title framed with decorative cartouche.
    Design by Lucien Boucher who is a famous commercial poster artist and illustrator born in Chartres in 1889 and died in 1971. Graduated from the Ecole de céramiques de Sèvres, he began his career as cartoonist for the satiric newspaper Le Rire. In the 1920s he worked actively as poster designer for the movies and the advertising industry. He designed a significant number of lithography’s inspired by the surrealism style. He’s very well known of a series of posters (advertising & world map) designed for Air France

    • Author: Lucien Boucher
    • Dimension: 95 x 69 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1950
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    Rare map of the Duchy of Milan with a beautiful title cartouche. The map is based on a map by Janssonius and published by Pierre van Lochom.

    • Author: Pierre van Lochom
    • Dimension: 48 x 37 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1695
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    Nice example of Sanson’s map of the kingdom of Venice

    • Author: SANSON Nicolas D?Abeville
    • Dimension: 49,5 x 37 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1670
  • usa map president wilson 1917
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    Rare propaganda map quoting Woodrow Wilson published in France to celebrate the entrance of the United States into World War 1

    • Dimension: 65 x 100 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1917
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    Raro manifesto di propaganda disegnato da Robert Louis che mostra il percorso della 1ª Divisione France Libre attraverso Africa, Europa e Medio Oriente arricchito in alto dallo stemma dell’organizzazione, l’emblema ufficiale (croce di Lorena) e una grande rosa dei venti. La grande rappresentazione è circondata dagli stemmi delle varie unità che componevano il movimento creato da Charles de Gaulle. Pubblicato dalla tipografia Draeger nel 1945 in 2975 esemplari numerati (questo è il numero 2685). cfr.…

    • Author: Robert Louis
    • Dimension: 85 x 62,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1945
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    This colorful poster was designed for The French Line of cruise ships in 1953 by the French artist Jean Mercier to promote the route that connects France and England to the Caribbean and Central American nations of Colombia and Venezuela. The Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, typically known overseas as the French Line, was a shipping company established in 1861 as an attempt to revive the French merchant marine, the poor state of which was self-evident during…

    • Author: Jean Mercier
    • Dimension: 54 x 32 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1953
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    Grande e fondamentale carta geografica dell’alta Italia formata da due fogli stampati singolarmente (Haute Lombardie e Basse Lombardie) concepiti per essere sovrapposti e uniti orizzontalmente disegnata da Nicolas Sanson e incisa all’acquaforte da A. De La Plaes (la firma, ora nascosta, è in basso a sinistra nella lastra dell’Haute Lombardie). Pubblicata nel 1648 all’interno dell’opera Cartes Generale de toutes parties du monde… questa bella e importante mappa sarà il prototipo da copiare per tutte le…

    • Author: SANSON Nicolas D?Abeville
    • Dimension: 42,5 x 99,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1648
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    Nice and detailed map from “Parallela geographica Italiae veteris et novae”, a very rare work by Philip Briet published in Paris in 1649 at Sebastian Cramoisy. [cod.300/15]

    • Author: BRIET Philippe
    • Year: 1649
    • Dimension: 145 x 190 mm
    • Place of publication: Paris