Showing 1–12 of 194 results
The fine map of the Arabian Peninsula showing Yemen, Oman, Bahrein, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia from the first edition of Geographia di Claudio Tolomeo by Girolamo Ruscelli published in Venice in 1561 at Valgrisi. There is a really interesting Italian text on verso that describes the early history and geography of the area. A feature of this first state is that some maps haven’t the platemark at top because two maps were engraved on…
- Year: 1561
- Dimension: 180 x 240 mm
- Place of publication: Venice
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Grande mappa pittorica della città di Erevan, la capitale armena, redatta in cirillico russo e caratterizzata dal tipico gusto grafico sovietico di metà secolo filtrato attraverso la tradizione armena, eseguita dall’importante geografo e statista Grigor Yeremovich Avagyan e pubblicato a Erevan nel 1971 dall’Autorità per la Conservazione Culturale. Yerevan essendo stata fondata nel 782 AC è una delle più antiche città ininterrottamente abitate al mondo. Nel 1920, quando divenne capitale dell’Armenia sovietica, Yerevan era un…
- Dimension: 82,5 x 62 cm
- Place of publication: Erevan
- Year: 1971
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Large Russian language pictorial map designed by Grigor Yeremovich Avagyan promoting the Cultural and Historical Monuments in Soviet Armenia. Shows district boundaries, place names. Includes vignettes of monuments on bottom panel and illustration of historical buildings with key to the site and text. Published in Yerevan, 1968 by the Armenian SSR. Special Research Department of Restoration of Armenian Cultural and Historical Monuments. Grigor Yeremovich Avagyan (1928 – 2005) was a prominent Armenian academic and politician.…
- Dimension: 60 x 82 cm
- Place of publication: Erevan
- Year: 1968
[Bolivia] Mapa de la Republica de Bolivia mandado publicar pr el Gobierno de la Nacion en la Administracion del Presidente Doctor José Maria Linares… Levantado y organindo en los años de 1842 à 1859 Por el Teniente Coronel Juan Ondarza, Commandante Juan Mariano Mujia y Mayor Lucio Camacho.
More Info € 4.500,00Rara, grande e dettagliatissima mappa murale della Bolivia disegnata da Juan Ondarza e pubblicata nel 1859 da J.H. Colton. Si tratta del primo studio scientifico del territorio della Bolivia e uno dei momenti più alti nella storia della cartografia dell’America Latina del XIX secolo. Questa spettacolare carta mostra la Bolivia alla sua massima estensione storica, prima che cedesse vaste quantità del suo territorio a seguito di guerre e incidenti diplomatici. Stampata a New York da…
- Dimension: 130 x 180 cm
- Place of publication: New York
- Year: 1859
An exceptional 1932 bird’s eye view map of the city of Quebec, Canada by Samuel Herbert Maw. The densely filled map displays parks, buildings, named streets and historic notations embellished by numerous coats of arms and a large compass rose. Born in England, Maw was an architect, delineator, etcher, cartographer and designer. After winning the Sloane Medallion from the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1905 and showing at the Royal Academy in London in…
- Year: 1932
- Dimension: 850 x 650 mm
- Place of publication: Toronto
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Interesting map of Newfoundland and Cap Breton Island, along with neighbouring Islands, including St. Pierre Michelon. From Atlante Novissimo, illustrato ed accresciuto sulle osservazioni, e scoperte fatte dai piu’ celebri e piu’ recenti cartografi by Antonio Zatta published in Venice in 1779. [cod.1170]
- Year: 1779
- Dimension: 420 x 315 mm
- Place of publication: Venice
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Large poster map showing the origin (highlighted in shiny silver) of the ingredients for the production of Astra’s margarine. Palm and peanut oil from French West and Equatorial Africa. The coconut oil from Polynesia. Published in Paris at Courbet 1955.
- Dimension: 120 x 80 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1955
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A finely engraved copper plate map that covers Chili and most of Argentina. Good detail of the region around Buenos Ayres and the Rio de la Plata. Santiago here is named Rioja. A large inset details Tierra del Fuego and the Strait of Magellan. From “Atlante Novissimo, illustrato ed accresciuto sulle osservazioni, e scoperte fatte dai piu’ celebri e piu’ recenti cartografi” by Antonio Zatta published in Venice in 1779. [cod.1020/15]
- Year: 1779
- Dimension: 410 x 315 mm
- Place of publication: Venice
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Rara pubblicazione separata di propaganda che mostra la carta geografica della Cina circondata da otto medaglioni con i ritratti del leader militari cinesi con Mao Tse Toung in alto al centro. La carta mostra in basso l’epilogo della guerra civile cinese con un soldato che infilza una bandiera nella schiena del generale Chiang Kai-shek. Il primo ottobre 1949 Mao Tse-tung e le truppe dell’Esercito di Liberazione del Popolo entrarono a Piazza Tienanmen, sconfiggendo definitivamente i…
- Dimension: 48 x 36 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1949
Out of stock
Relief map by S.J. Turner representing a bird’s eye view from space encompassing a wide swath of the globe from Italian Somaliland at the lower edge to Morocco and Italy at the upper edge of the map. Shows the political divisions in the Horn of Africa during Italy’s conquest of the region, railways. major cities, and rivers. Includes European possession in Africa. Published in London, 1938 for Daily Herald.
- Dimension: 69 x 47 cm
- Place of publication: London
- Year: 1938
Interesting 1936 world map showing the areas served by the German Protestant missions. The title points out that 6000 missionaries were active around the world and three inserts list the 57 missions with their location and German city of origin.
- Dimension: 25 x 38 cm
- Year: 1936
[India] Carte d’une Partie des Indes Orientales, etats du Mogol le Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel
More Info € 350,00Fine large map with detailed topographical features based on Guillaume de L’Isle. The map shows southern India with Ceylon and the Maldives. From Covens & Mortier “Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties su Monde” published in Amsterdam in 1730
- Year: 1730 ca.
- Dimension: 500 x 590 mm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam