
Showing 181–192 of 194 results

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    A large illustrated map of the United States designed by Giorgio “Gio” Tavaglione published in Milan at Ricordi Arti Grafiche, 1988. The pictorial map shows 48 States each with its own Great Seal in bright contrasting colors and filled with lovely illustrations of landmarks, natural wonders, local industries, famous buildings, celebrities and animals. Richly decorated by allegorical title cartouche, compass rose, Statue of Liberty and numerous boats, ships and fish in the oceans. Below are…

    • Author: Giorgio Tavaglione
    • Dimension: 66 x 93 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1988
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    Bellissima carta del mondo così come era conosciuto al tempo dell’esploratore Giovanni Caboto disegnata dal celebre artista inglese MacDonald Gill nel 1924 (firma in basso a sinistra). La carta è inserita nel volume Pageant of British Empire, Souvenir Volume… An Anthology of British Empire di E.V. Lucas, splendida opera riccamente illustrata con le litografie di famosi artisti dell’epoca come Frank Brangwyn, Spencer Pryse e appunto MacDonald Gill, che celebra la storia dell’Impero Britannico e il…

    • Author: Leslie MacDonald Gill
    • Dimension: 41 x 31 cm
    • Year: 1924
    • Place of publication: London
  • Delightful small map of the ancient Turkish empire covering the Middle East (including Arabia and Oman) from the Mercator Hondius “Atlas Minor” published in Amsterdam in 1648 at Jannsonius with german text on verso. In 1607 Jodocus Hondius published a reduced size version of Mercator’s “Atlas”, itself suitably titled “Atlas Minor”. The maps were copied from those of the great cartographer Mercator of around 1580-90 or were reductions of Hondius’ own maps of 1606. Almost…

    • Author: MERCATOR Gerard - HONDIUS Henricus
    • Year: 1648
    • Dimension: 190 x 130 mm
    • Place of publication: Amsterdam
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    A rare decorative large pictorial map of Turkey showing the economic production activities and sites in the Country. Includes text, table of export production data, color illustration of national flag, and photographic illustrations of economic activities.
    Drawn by Liam Dunne (signed at bottom left) published in New York in 1950 circa.

    • Author: Liam Dunne
    • Dimension: 51 x 81 cm
    • Place of publication: New York
    • Year: 1950
  • Rare set of the world and four continents from the Mercator’s “Atlas Minor” published in 1648 with german text on verso. The double hemisphere map of the World, engraved by Abraham Goos replaces the 1607 Hondius plate previously used by Jansson. California shown as an island. Large passage between Asia and the North West Coast of America. Includes elaborate strapwork border, two notes in Latin, an elaborate compass rose and sphere and other embellishments. Regarding the map of America the most i

    • Author: MERCATOR Gerard - HONDIUS Henricus
    • Year: 1648
    • Dimension: 200 x 145 ca each
    • Place of publication: Amsterdam
  • Lovely pictorial map of the United States featuring information about the varied backgrounds of the citizens and the industries in different parts of the country. The very decorative promotional map issued for the Brussels Universal Exhibition of 1958 shown on America as a multi-national, multi-cultural nation. The map is covered with pictorial images of historical sites and Americans working and playing. Labels on each state show the principal national origins of the residents, for example, Danish, Dutch and German in South Dakota. Across the top are eight figures in stereotypical native clothing (kilt, sombrero, wooden shoes). Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Alaska are shown as territories. At Bottom left the author’s signature. This map was issued as a folded map and it retains its folds.

    • Author: Mary Ronin
    • Dimension: 49 x 69 cm
    • Year: 1958
  • Complete set with world map and four continents by G. Porro from “Geografia di Tolomeo” published in Padua in 1621 by Galignani.

    • Author: MAGINI Giovanni Antonio – TOLOMEO Claudio
    • Year: 1621
    • Dimension: 14 x 18 cm
    • Place of publication: Padova
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    Grande carta geografica pittorica dell’Uruguay orientale disegnata dall’illustratore Jorge Elia e pubblicata a Montevideo nel 1978 presso la Escuela Artes Graficas Don Orione. Basata sui rilevamenti del Servizio Geografico Militare e del dipartimento Oceanografico e Idrografico della Marina la grande carta aveva lo scopo di riassumere attraverso deliziose vignette gli aspetti economici, sociali, statistici, culturali e turistici dell’Uruguay costituendo una fonte di informazione visiva e immediata per gli studenti delle scuole superiori.

    • Author: Jorge Elia
    • Dimension: 56 x 78 cm
    • Place of publication: Montevideo
    • Year: 1978
  • A beautiful pictorial map of the world, showing the routes flown by French Airline Union de Transports Aériens. The world centered on Pacific is depicted physical with a nice colors.
    The map shows UTA’s routes to the African Continent from Paris, primarily flying to former French colonies in West Africa, as well as to Karachi, Athens, Bangkok, Saigon, Singapore, Djakarta, Darwin and French Polynesia. Routes to Honolulu and Los Angeles from Papeete are also shown.
    Union de Transports Aériens (UTA), formed in 1963 as a result of a merger between Union Aéromaritime de Transport (UAT) and Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux (TAI), was the largest wholly privately owned, independent airline in France. It was absorbed into Air France between 1990 and 1992.

    • Author: UTA [Union de Transports Aériens]
    • Dimension: 49 x 68 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1965
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    Magnificent large color bird’s eye view of East Africa designed by Carlo Sulzer and published bt Antonio Vallardi in Milan, 1935. The map shows the political divisions in the Horn of Africa during Italy’s conquest of the region. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Kenya Colony, and British Somaliland are all still held by the U.K. Italian Somaliland, Libya, and Eritrea are held by the Italians, but Abyssinia is still an independent country. I Vallardi furono una famiglia di…

    • Author: Carlo Sulzer
    • Dimension: 60 x 92 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1935
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    Una delle più rare e ambite rappresentazioni pittoriche di New York! Questa iconica e grande veduta prospettica di New York City fu disegnata nel 1950 da Nils Hansell, all’epoca alle dipendenze di IBM come direttore del Journal of Research and Development e pubblicata dallo stesso Hansell presso la litografia Lutz & Sheinkman. La mappa è un vortice di colorate e vivaci immagini che descrivono gli edifici, le attività produttive e di intrattenimento della città americana.…

    • Author: Nils Hansell
    • Dimension: 84 x 64 cm
    • Place of publication: North Stonington (Connecticut)
    • Year: 1950
  • A large very decorative Japanese world map published as sugoroku (a Japanese game which might be compared to backgammon) published as a supplement to the 1930 New Year’s Day edition of the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. The really interesting map is drawn on a Mollweide projection instead the more commonly used Mercator projection: cartographers use the Mollweide projection when an accurate representation of area takes precedence over the accuracy of shapes. Countries are in shades…

    • Author: Osaka Mainichi Shinbun
    • Dimension: 1070 x 770 mm
    • Place of publication: Osaka
    • Year: 1930