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Separately issued map of Peru designed by Vsevolod Petrovic Nicouline published in Lima, 1940 at Itituto Peruano del Libro. The pictorial map shows vignettes of structures, nature, activities, products, crops and many towns and cities labeled. Vsevolod Petrovic Nicouline (1890-1962) was a renowned Russian painter, printmaker, ceramicist, designer and illustrator born in the Ukraine in 1890. For a time he was with the Imperial Academy of Petersburg. His teaching career there was interrupted by the…
- Dimension: 59,5 x 40 cm
- Place of publication: Lima
- Year: 1940
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Pictorial map of the Basque region designed by G. H. Oñativia for the Banco de Bilbao.
- Dimension: 61 x 95 cm
- Place of publication: Tolosa
- Year: 1940
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Carte Touristique de Madagascar et Dependances Dresse sous la Direction de Urbain Faurec Conservateur du Musee de Tananarive
More InfoSuperba e rara grande carta geo-pittorica in 6 fogli uniti e riportati su tela pubblicata dal Service Geographique de Madagascar nel 1940 quando l’isola era ancora una colonia Francese. La carta mostra indicazioni pratiche per gli spostamenti come le principali vie di comunicazione, i fiumi, le foreste e le altezze in metri dei rilievi ed è ricchissima di vignette che rappresentano le peculiarità, edifici storici, flora e fauna del Madagascar. Completata in alto a sinistra…
- Dimension: 106 x 200 cm
- Place of publication: Tananarive (Madagascar)
- Year: 1940
Finely executed pictorial map of Algeria and Tunisia published in 1940 by the Banque National Pour Le Commerce et L’Industrie. The map illustrates a number of coastal towns, rivers, mountains and wildlife. Cities with bank branches display the B.N.C.I. logo. Decorated with sailing galleons and waves in stunning translucent silver.
- Dimension: 44 x 54 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1940
Portugal – The country that has contributed most to Geographic Knowledge of the Globe.
More Info € 450,00Portolan-style world map printed in red, green, blue, and gold, showing the voyage tracks of over twenty sixteenth-and-seventeenth-century Portuguese explorers. Less than 10 institutional examples located.
- Dimension: 43 x 63 cm
- Place of publication: Porto
- Year: 1940