
Showing 1–12 of 50 results

  • carta geografica antica brescia

    Uncommon antique map of Brescia illustrating crop rotation theories.

    • Author: Luigi Abeni
    • Dimension: 45 x 37 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1866
  • Ingegnosa cartolina postale che per mezzo di un ingranaggio in carta permette il movimento di porzioni di territorio ungherese evidenziando così le aree cedute a Austria, Jugoslavia, Romania e Cecoslovacchia dopo la fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale decise durante il famigerato Trattato di Trianon del 1919. In corrispondenza dei confini sono indicate le percentuali di territorio perso a favore del paese vicino; tuttavia il dato più inquietante è il numero di ungheresi indicati come perduti…

    • Author: Gusztav Emich
    • Dimension: 10 x 15 cm
    • Year: 1930
  • mappa antica lubiana slovenia

    An important map by Joseph Karl Kindermann, engraved by Christoph Junker and published in Graz in 1797 by Franz Xaver Miller showing upper Carniola or the Ljubljana District. This is one of 12 leaves (specifically the key sheet), typically referred to as the Atlas von Inner Osterreich (Atlas of Inner Austria). The Atlas von Inner Osterreich is considered to be one of the most important cartographic works of the 18th Century for Austria.

    • Author: Joseph Karl Kindermann
    • Dimension: 50 x 58,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Graz
    • Year: 1797
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    Importante carta geografica che mostra la porzione di territorio nel nord Italia scenario delle battaglie combattute durante la guerra di successione spagnola da Eugenio di Savoia. Si conosce un esemplare di questa carta conservato presso il fondo cartografico della città di Mantova descritto come “rarissima e anonima carta di ambito romano edita (presunta da una nota al verso) nel 1733”. La carta non presenta indicazioni di responsabilità ma da un attento confronto risulta essere una…

    • Author: Gaetano Bianchi, Giacomo Solari, Simone Durello
    • Dimension: 54 x 97,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1720
  • antica carta geografica sud africa

    Uncommon map of South Africa from the rarest and most elegant cartographic work by Francesco Celestino Marmocchi, the Corso di Geografia Commerciale published in Genoa in 1858.

    • Author: Francesco Costantino Marmocchi
    • Dimension: 29 x 34 cm
    • Place of publication: Genoa
    • Year: 1858
  • A lovely pocket atlas of the world with text by Annibale Giglioni published in 1886 by Francesco Vallardi. With 12 colorful maps with the description of the continents, the various parts of Italy and the Globe, with indications of the races and languages spoken. See Geoffrey King Miniature Maps 1886b: “This oblong paperback is a rare item today. There is a copy located in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, where it is catalogued under…

    • Author: Francesco Vallardi
    • Dimension: 10,5 x 15,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1886
  • atlas gastronomy

    Raro atlante gastronomico, pubblicato in 100 esemplari numerati, che offre un viaggio attraverso le regioni di Francia alla scoperta dei piatti e ricette tipiche di ogni territorio. L’atlante è corredato da 13 splendide mappe pittoriche disegnate da Libis che sottolineano attraverso belle e vivaci vignette le specialità gastronomiche, i vini e le bevande delle città principali. Le mappe sono accompagnate da testi che descrivono le peculiarità gastronomiche di ogni provincia comprendendo anche l’elenco dei principali…

    • Author: CURNONSKY (Maurice Edmond Sailland)
    • Dimension: 21,5 x 27 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1938
  • mappa stati sardi

    Important wall map by Giuseppe Momo showing Savoy, Piedmont and Liguria published in Turin in 1819 at Gaetano Balbino bookseller in Dora grossa. This is the first map designed after the reorganization (1914) of the new Ufficio Topografico Reale dello Stato Maggiore Generale di Torino when it was now clear that, after the Napoleonic defeat, Lombardy would return under Austrian sovereignty and the Ufficio Topografico di Milano could no longer be the point of reference…

    • Author: Giuseppe Momo
    • Dimension: 131 x 110 cm
    • Place of publication: Turin
    • Year: 1819
  • carta lombardo veneto
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    A detailed map of Lombardy-Venetia, published in Turin by Jean Junk, who in 1848 printed a map titled ‘Map of Northern Italy and War Operations’. It is believed that this map of Lombardy-Venetia was created for a similar purpose, as evidenced by the conventional signs legend in the lower left-hand corner indicating various types of fortresses and giving special attention to the road design. Jean Junk, a French lithographer by origin but adopted by Turin,…

    • Author: Jean Junk
    • Dimension: 66 x 49 cm
    • Place of publication: Turin
    • Year: 1859
  • mappa antica lombardia
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    Uncommon map of Lombardy showing in high detail the provinces of Milan, Pavia, Lodi, Crema, Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona, Mantua, and Como. Designed and engraved by Vittorio Angeli under the direction of Giovanni Brenna and published in Milan at Ubicini in 1835. Also indicated are the borders with the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, Switzerland with the enclave of Campione, and the Tyrol. The capitals are depicted as topographical plans, At lower left, in elegant calligraphy,…

    • Author: Giovanni Brenna, Vittorio Angeli
    • Dimension: 79 x 57 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1835
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    Rare map showing the region of Upper Italy from Domodossola and Sterzing in the north to Lucca and Pesaro in the south. The upper sections feature roads to Aosta, Lausanne, Geneva, Munich, Vienna, and Laybach, underscoring the map’s focus on communication routes. While the map is well-maintained and informative, it primarily serves as a postal map, highlighting “postal” roads and post stations. Consequently, toponymy is emphasized, while orography and hydrography are simplified. Created “per ordine…

    • Author: Deposito Generale della Guerra
    • Dimension: 95 x 127 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1810
  • carta geografica lombardia
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    Large map of Lombardy at the scale of 1:300,000 drawn by Arcangelo Ghisleri and made in lithography by Bolis that focuses on the “physical” aspect of the region here realized with a successful color combination and beautiful choice of colors. Top right is the large insert with title, legend of conventional signs and table with summary of “hypsometric hues.” Bottom right is a second insert with a map of Italy with Lombardy highlighted. Published in…

    • Author: Arcangelo Ghisleri
    • Dimension: 81 x 101 cm
    • Place of publication: Bergamo
    • Year: 1913