Important wall map by Giuseppe Momo showing Savoy, Piedmont and Liguria published in Turin in 1819 at Gaetano Balbino bookseller in Dora grossa.
This is the first map designed after the reorganization (1914) of the new Ufficio Topografico Reale dello Stato Maggiore Generale di Torino when it was now clear that, after the Napoleonic defeat, Lombardy would return under Austrian sovereignty and the Ufficio Topografico di Milano could no longer be the point of reference for cartography. The purpose of this map was to provide the reconstituted state with its own official cartography that would also show administrative divisions. Bottom left large “Table of Contents” box with the division of the provinces according to the Senate to which they belonged. Although affected by the influence of Napoleonic cartography, Giuseppe Momo’s map introduces some new features including the addition of existing and planned irrigation canals and Navigli, taken from a hydrographic map compiled by the Director of Ignazio Michelotti, inspector of bridges and roads.
Cfr. Bibliografia: Aliprandi, “Le grandi Alpi nella cartografia 1482-1885”, pag. 251-252.
Carta Corografica degli Stati di Terra Ferma di S. M. Il Re di Sardegna Divisa in Provicie …
- Author: Giuseppe Momo
- Dimension: 131 x 110 cm
- Place of publication: Turin
- Year: 1819
€ 400,00
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