A fine view of Orvieto by G.B. Moore after Edward Lear from “The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy from the Time of Constantine to the Fifteenth Century” by Henry Gally Knight published in London in 1843.
View of Orvieto
Panorama of the town from “The Ecclesiastical Architecture in Italy..” by Henry Knight. [cod.1085/15]
- Author: MOORE Georg Belton
- Year: 1842
- Dimension: 306 x 429 mm
- Place of publication: London
€ 200,00
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Dettagliata carta geografica della Marca di Ancona e dell’antico Ducato di Spoleto arricchita da elegante calligrafia in corsivo e da cartiglio di gusto rinascimentale con il titolo. Interessante la rappresentazione del reticolo idrografico e dell’orografia che contempla anche i rilievi minori. Tratta dall’Appendix Atlantis Majoris di G. Mercator edito ad Amsterdam nel 1606 con testo latino al verso.
- Author: MERCATOR Gerard
- Year: 1606
- Dimension: 455 x 348 mm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam
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Nice and detailed map of Lazio centered on Rome from “Parallela geographica Italiae veteris et novae”, a rare work by Philip Briet published in Paris in 1649 at Sebastian Cramoisy. [cod.306/15]
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A fine miniature map from “Epitome Theatri Orbis Terraum” published in Amsterdam in 1602.The maps were based from those in P. Galle’s final edition of 1598 but were drawn and engraved with great care. They may be easily recognised as they have a wide border with latitude and longitude shown. [cod.295/15]
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- Year: 1602
- Dimension: 85 x 115 mm
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- Year: 1629
- Dimension: 120 x 175 mm
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