Detailed town plan view of Florence at the left and right side with a text about the city. Published in Bodenehr’s Curioses Staats und Kriegs Theatrum. Gabriel Bodenehr (1664 – 1758) was a copper engraver and publisher. In 1716 he bought the copper plates of Johann Stridbeck (1640 – 1716), revised and completed them with his own maps, views and plans, and published them in several works with different titles.
Fiorenza oder Florenz
- Author: BODENHER Gabriel
- Year: 1724
- Dimension: 175 x 275 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg
€ 160,00
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Nice copper engraving of the town from “Itinerario overo nuova descrittione dei viaggi principali d’Italia” published in Venice by Brigonci in 1679. [cod.277/15]
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- Year: 1679
- Dimension: 120 x 120 mm
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- Year: 1627
- Dimension: 241 x 171 mm
- Place of publication: Leiden
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Bella e rara carta geografica della Toscana pubblicata da Matteo Florimi a Siena nel 1600 (firma in basso a destra) basata sulla mappa della medesima area disegnata da Girolamo Bellarmato e pubblicata da Claudio Duchetti a Roma nel 1558. Girolamo Bellarmato (Siena 1493 – 1560) fu matematico, ingegnere, architetto e cartografo e la sua carta corografica della Toscana fu il modello cartografico almeno per mezzo secolo. Oltre al Florimi, si ispirarono alla Tuscia del Bellarmato…
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- Year: 1602 ca
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An interesting early map of the region of Lucca in Tuscany from Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy?s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken early in his ecclesiastical career and never suppressed. He made very famous globes
- Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
- Year: 1690
- Dimension: 448 x 600 mm
- Place of publication: Venice