Lovely engraved map based on the cartography by C. Franz Radefeld (1788-1874) showing part of United States which includes insets of New York City, Philadelphia, Niagara Falls, Albany, Pittsburgh and the Baltimore – Washington DC area. From the “Meyer’s Neuester Zeitungs Atlas” published by Bibliographischen Instituts in Hildburghausen in 1849-52. The innovation of this work is that almost all maps had small inserts showing richly detailed maps of major cities and their surrunding areas: so not only could travellers carry the atlas with them easily, they could also obtain an initial orientation to their destination when they arrived. No other atlas offered anything like this. All the maps in this atlas are superbly engraved, ebellished by many city plans and with fine colouring by hand. All combining to make this the finest “quarto” German atlas of the mid 19th century. Jurgen Espenhorst – Petermann’s Planet – Guide to the great handatlases, 3.1.1
Die staaten von New York, Pensylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia
- Author: MEYER Joseph
- Year: 1849
- Dimension: 200 x 265 mm
- Place of publication: Hildburghausen
€ 90,00
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