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An important map by Joseph Karl Kindermann, engraved by Christoph Junker and published in Graz in 1797 by Franz Xaver Miller showing upper Carniola or the Ljubljana District. This is one of 12 leaves (specifically the key sheet), typically referred to as the Atlas von Inner Osterreich (Atlas of Inner Austria). The Atlas von Inner Osterreich is considered to be one of the most important cartographic works of the 18th Century for Austria.
- Dimension: 50 x 58,5 cm
- Place of publication: Graz
- Year: 1797
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Copper-engraved map by Pierre-François Tardieu depicting the ancient State of Venice, with only cities, main roads, and rivers shown outside the frame line. Longitudes are indicated with respect to the meridian of the Isle of Iron (above) and the meridian of Paris (below), with the plate numbering ‘N.° 97. F.” in the upper right-hand corner. From the Atlas Universel de Geographie Physique et Politique by Pierre Chanlaire and Edmé Mentelle, published in Paris in 1797/98.
- Dimension: 45 x 34 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1797
Die Provinz Inner-Oesterreich, oder die Herzogthümer Steyermark, Kaernten und Krain, die Grafschaften Goerz und Gradisca …
More Info € 450,00An important map by Joseph Karl Kindermann, engraved by Christoph Junker and published in Graz in 1797 by Franz Xaver Miller showing the “Inner Austria”: a term used from the end of the 14th century to the beginning of the 17th century to indicate Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Gorizia and Gradisca, Trieste and several minor possessions of the Habsburgs that bordered on this area. This is one of 12 leaves (specifically the key sheet), typically referred…
- Dimension: 50 x 58,5 cm
- Place of publication: Graz
- Year: 1797
Very handsome chart of the Bay of Biscay with the north coast of Spain from Cap Finisterre, and west coast of France north to Brest. Locates Bayone, Bordeaux, Nantes, etc. with information on soundings and anchorages. From Hydrographie Francaise.
- Year: 1797
- Dimension: 855 x 543 mm
- Place of publication: London