A rare and very decorative view by Johann August Corvinus (1683-1738) after Georg Philipp Rugendas (1666-1742) showing the siege of Milan during the War of the Spanish Succession, 1700-1713 from the Repraesentatio belli, ob successionem in Regno Hispanico…, published in Ausburg in 1720 by Jeremias Wolff.
Ubergab und Eroberund der Statt un Mayland
A rare and very decorative view by Johann August Corvinus (1683-1738) after Georg Philipp Rugendas (1666-1742) showing the siege of Milan during the War of the Spanish Succession, 1700-1713 from the Repraesentatio belli, ob successionem in Regno Hispanico…, published in Ausburg in 1720 by Jeremias Wolff.
- Author: Jeremias Wolff, Johann August Corvinus
- Year: 1720
- Dimension: 385 x 445 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg
€ 500,00
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Very fine prospect view of Mantova from Topographiae Italiae published by Merian in Franckfurt in 1688. Mattheus Merian was a notable Swiss engraver, born in Basle in 1593, who subsequently studied in Zurich and then moved to Frankfurt where he met Theodore de Bry, whose daughter he married in 1617. They had numerous children together, including a daughter, Anna Maria Sibylla Merian, born in 1647. She became a pioneering naturalist and illustrator. Two of their…
- Author: MERIAN Mattheus
- Dimension: 345 x 245 mm
- Place of publication: Frankfurt
- Year: 1640
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l libro propone la totale catalogazione delle carte geografiche del territorio Bresciano realizzate in un arco di tempo che va dal 1505, anno della prima mappa di Elia Capriolo, fino al 1798.
Trecento anni di storia dell’evoluzione di storia bresciana sintetizzati in 46 mappe/schede illustrate e corredate da un interessante studio bibliografico su un numeroso ed eterogeneo gruppo di incisori, editori e cartografi provenienti da varie parti del mondo, che hanno voluto delineare, ognuno usando il proprio stile e la propria tecnica le peculiarità del territorio.
Il nuovo riferimento per i collezionisti delle antiche carte geografiche di Brescia.- Author: Giuseppe Nova – Ruggiero Fontanella
- Year: 2017
- Dimension: 215 x 300 mm
- Place of publication: Brescia
Copper engraving published in Milan in 1789. Rare.
- Author: CAGNONI Domenico
- Year: 1789
- Dimension: 375 x 390 mm
- Place of publication: Milan
Plan and fortification of the town from “Force D’Europe…” by G. Bodenehr published in Augsburg in 1725. Perfect condition. [cod.109/15]
- Author: BODENHER Gabriel
- Year: 1725
- Dimension: 180 x 295 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg