Pictorial world map produced in 1940-50 by Gabriel Loire and Marcel Maillard, as gameboard. The game consists of a map taking the North Pole as its center, and points defining cities that are connected via tracks. There are depictions of peoples and animals on the map. The players collect valuable materials such as coal, petrol, coffee, tea, rubber, and fur.
Cosmail [Pictorial world map]
- Author: Gabriel Loire
- Dimension: 55 x 55 cm
- Place of publication: Chartres
- Year: 1950
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One of the most decorative eighteenth century world maps. This J.B. Homann’s double hemisphere map of the world is richly embellished with celestial models of the northern and southern hemispheres and other natural phenomena such as waterspouts, a rainbow, earthquakes, and the Mt. Etna in Sicily erupting. Wind heads occupy the starry heavens, and two cherubs hold the title banner aloft. The map includes many famous cartographic inaccuracies with an unusually elongated northwest coastline in North America, labeled Terra Esonis. It also shows an incomplete Australia, although with place names and notes of the early discoverers included. The east coast of New Zealand is shown, along with the Tracts of Tasman’s 1642 voyage and Magellan’s Voyage. The detail in Southeast Asia is very interesting for the period, as is the treatment of Japan. Interesting text panels at bottom describe the natural phenomena.
- Author: HOMANN Johann Baptist
- Dimension: 48,5 x 55 cm
- Place of publication: Nuremberg
- Year: 1720
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First edition of the decorative double hemisphere pictorial map prepared by Luc-Marie Bayle for TAI Transport Aeriens Intercontinentaux with two decorative compass rose oriented with the north to the upper margin. The hemispheres are surrounded by fun images of various explorers in divers modes of transport a hot air balloon, early and later forms of aeroplanes, rowing boats, sailing ships, galleons, whales and fish. TAI routes are shown in red. The Transport Aeriens Intercontinentaux company began as a charter airline in June 1946 in association with the Messageries Maritime Shipping Company.
- Author: Luc Marie Bayle
- Dimension: 51 x 73 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1948
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Richly decorated double hemisphere pictorial map of the moon by Michael Ramus issued by New York bank Merrill Lynch as a promotional hand-out to commemorate the first two manned lunar landings in 1969 on 20 July and 19 November, which were achieved by the Apollo 11 and 12 space missions. As the title implies, it combines accurately drawn and labeled maps of lunar craters and seas with whimsical illustrations. At the center is the Saturn V rocket, which launched the Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins into space. At top depiction of three American presidents – Nixon, Johnson, and Kennedy, whose administrations supported space exploration – soaring above the scene upon the back of a n eagle. From the eagle’s beak, a banner unfurls with astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous phrase, “One small step for a man… one giant leap for mankind.”
The moon is shown in two hemispheres representing the “Far Side” and the “Near Side” with the Apollo 11 and 12 landings illustrated on the “Near Side,” and the “Far Side” making note of the Russian lunar missions. The hemispheres are rendered with accurate topography while the so-called “seas” are filled with mythical sea creatures. Below the hemispheres are illustrations of various achievements in astronomy and flight, including Galileo observing the moon with a telescope and the transatlantic flights of the Wright Brothers and Charles Lindberg, as well as eccentric images, such as Halloween imagery and Romeo and Juliet (likely a reference to Juliet asking Romeo to “swear not by the moon”). A stock ticker tape stretches across the image as a reminder of Merrill Lynch’s investment opportunities.
At bottom two cartouches describe how 1969 will be remembered and what is to be expected in 1970. One of the most interesting and famous Moon pictorial map. Ref: Hornsby (Picturing America) #158- Author: Michael Ramus
- Dimension: 36 x 43 cm
- Place of publication: New York
- Year: 1969
A very decorative world map by Lucien Boucher created for Air France published in Paris at atelier Perceval, 1939. This is one of the first maps of Air France which was founded in October 1933. Shows the beginning routes of the airline, extending west to the Americas and east to China. The route Paris-New York shown dotten because still in study (the first travel was in 1946). The whole world is filled with beautiful illustrations,…
- Author: Lucien Boucher
- Dimension: 60 x 96 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1939