An uncommon map of Sicily based on the map of the Royal Topographical Office of Naples published in 1826. The map, published as a loose sheet, is not dated, but it is probably one of the many representations of the island published around 1860 to meet the demands of a market attentive to the political and military events of that period. In April 1860 the revolt of the city of Palermo against the Bourbons of Naples had begun, on 11 May Garibaldi’s troops had landed on the Sicilian coast near Marsala, and in July the whole island had been conquered. The detailed map presents a careful representation of the orography and in general a precise lithographic stroke and an elegant choice of characters for the toponymy. At the bottom is the insert with the Maltese archipelago, the legend of conventional signs and the graphic scales of distances expressed in kilometres and Sicilian miles. Bottom left is the signature of A(angelo) Leonardi editore, Torino via di Po 10.
Carta Corografica Strategica della Sicilia
- Author: Angelo Leonardi
- Dimension: 65 x 50 cm
- Place of publication: Turin
- Year: 1860
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Bellissimo grande manifesto del celebre illustratore e ceramista Virgilio Retrosi disegnato per promuovere il turismo in Sicilia con il motto “Eterna Primavera”. Pubblicato a Palermo nel 1952 dall’Assessorato del Turismo e dello Spettacolo. Virgilio Retrosi (Roma 1892 – 1975) Allievo, alla Regia Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, di Duilio Cambellotti è attivo come ceramista già nel primo decennio del Novecento. Nel 1911 esordisce, in occasione dell’Esposizione Internazionale di Roma per il cinquantenario dell’Unità d’Italia.…
- Author: Virgilio Retrosi
- Dimension: 100 x 70 cm
- Place of publication: Palermo
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Very rare aquatint view from “Voyage pittoresque en Sicile” by Gicault de la Salle published in Paris in 1822.
- Author: GIGAULT DE LA SALLE Achille Etienne
- Year: 1822
- Dimension: 290 x 425 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
Very rare aquatint view from “Voyage pittoresque en Sicile” by Gicault de la Salle published in Paris in 1822.
- Author: GIGAULT DE LA SALLE Achille Etienne
- Year: 1822
- Dimension: 295 x 425 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
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A stunning map of Sicily published by M. Seutter in 1730. Inset at bottom a nice map of Malta and Gozo. Showing also the Etna erupting.
- Author: SEUTTER Georg Matthaus
- Year: 1730
- Dimension: 580 x 500 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg