Fine map of Verona from the Hondius’ Atlas Novus published in 1639.
- Author: HONDIUS Henricus
- Year: 1639
- Dimension: 380 x 486 mm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam
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Detailed engraved map of the territory around Verona and Lake of Garda. Published in Bologna, 1620.
- Author: MAGINI Giovanni Antonio
- Dimension: 34,5 x 45,5 cm
- Place of publication: Bologna
- Year: 1620
A nice old color example of Blaeu’s regional map of Padova from Grooten Atlas the dutch edition of the Atlas Major published in Amsterdam in 1664. The famous Blaeu’s firm was founded in 1596 by Willem Janzoon Blaeu (1571-1638) then continued by his two sons Cornelius (1616-1648) and Johannis (1596-1673). Their greatest cartographic achievement was the publication of the magnificent Atlas Major with 600 maps all finely engraved and embellished by elaborate cartouches, heraldic detail and especial
- Author: BLAEU Johannis
- Year: 1664
- Dimension: 380 x 500 mm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam
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Rare map of the northern part of Italy centered on Lombardy published by François Jollain in 1705.
- Author: Francois Jollain
- Dimension: 42 x 53,5 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1705
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A rare separate map by Joseph Friedrich Leopold showing the region embroiled in the battles of the War of Spanish Succession in the Po River valley in northern Italy. The numerous fortifications in the region are boldly delineated including Milan, Cremona, Piacenza, Verona and Brescia. Published in Augsburg, 1702
- :
- Dimension: 36 x 50 cm
- Place of publication: Augsburg
- Year: 1702
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Raffinata carta geografica incisa dallo stabilimento litografico Turati che mostra la topografia del Lago di Garda con l’indicazione delle rotte dei battelli a vapore e del territorio che lo circonda caratterizzato da una precisa rappresentazione dei fiumi e dell’orografia. Sotto il titolo una legenda riassume le distanze in km via acqua tra le principali località della sponda bresciana e quella veronese. La carta era a corredo della rara “Guida del Lago di Garda” edita dalla…
- Author: Giuseppe Civelli
- Dimension: 17,5 x 31 cm
- Place of publication: Bologna
- Year: 1889
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Atipica e rara carta geografica montata su tela a stacchi che descrive il viaggio da Vienna verso Milano dell’imperatore Ferdinando I per la sua incoronazione a re del Lombardo-Veneto. Disegnata da Estore Lanzani e realizzata in litografia con tratto raffinatissimo dall’incisore Antonio Bresciani la grande mappa è ricca di particolari con annotazioni su avvenimenti storici e di carattere geografico ed è completata da una elegante cornice e dalle raffinate vignette che mostrano il Duomo di…
- Author: Antonio Bresciani
- Dimension: 53 x 79 cm
- Place of publication: Vicenza
- Year: 1838
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An unusual, anonymous map printed on green paper showing the deployment of Austrian troops in Brescia, Mantua, and Verona in 1837. The lower left features a comprehensive table outlining events around Lake Garda from October 10 to 14, while the right insert lists the commanders and their available troops. This rare map also includes a small map locating the Garda area within northern Italy, framed by an elegant ornamental border.
- Author: Anon.
- Dimension: 47 x 56,5 cm
- Year: 1837
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Very nice view of San Marco engraved with great care by M. Engelbrecht taken from his very famous and scarce series of 92 plates dedicated to Venice. Excellent condition with decorative original colouring. Martin Engelbrecht was printsellers and engraver in Augsburg. [cod.400/15]
- Author: ENGELBRECHT Martin
- Year: 1735 ca
- Dimension: 300 x 210 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg
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A rare copper engraved panorama of Venice from the really uncommon “Sachsischer Postillon” a kind of historic-geographic magazine published in Vienna in 1784. At top the portrait of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV and a key to 65 point of interest numbered on the view. The author is George Hisler who drawn the city in curious German stile easily visible in the shape of the roofs and bell towers.
- Year: 1784
- Dimension: 300 x 185 mm
- Place of publication: Vienna
Impressive very fine large view of Venice by Franz Josef Sandmann (1805-1856) after Nicolas Marie Chapuy (1790-1858) published in Wien in 1850 by Paterno & Sohn.
- Author: CHAPUY Nicolas Marie – SANDMANN Franz Josef
- Year: 1850 ca.
- Dimension: 420 x 660 mm
- Place of publication: Vienna
This Lafrery map is based on the Forlani view of Venice of 1566, and was engraved by G.Franco. Published by Giovanni Orlandi in Rome in 1602, the plate also bears the signature of C. Duchetti, the nephew and successor to Lafreri. Very Rare. Novacco, 144. [cod.1070/15]
- Author: FRANCO Giacomo
- Year: 1602
- Dimension: 375 x 545 mm
- Place of publication: Rome