Showing 13–24 of 34 results
A beautiful tinted lithograph view of Livorno in Tuscany taken from the sea by O. Saunier based on a drawn by E. Ciceri. From the famous “La Toscane” published in Paris at Lemercier in 1863.
- Year: 1863
- Dimension: 455 x 310 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
Rare copper engraving of Lucca from “Theatro delle citta’ d’Italia, con nova aggiunta” by Francesco Bertelli published in 1629. [cod.275/15]
- Year: 1629
- Dimension: 113 x 170 mm
- Place of publication: Padova
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Nice Merian’s plan of Lucca from Itinerarium Italiae Nova Antiqua… published in Frankfurt in 1640. Mattheus Merian was a notable Swiss engraver, born in Basle in 1593, who subsequently studied in Zurich and then moved to Frankfurt where he met Theodore de Bry, whose daughter he married in 1617. They had numerous children together, including a daughter, Anna Maria Sibylla Merian, born in 1647. She became a pioneering naturalist and illustrator. Two of their sons…
- Dimension: 258 x 375 mm
- Place of publication: Frankfurt
- Year: 1640
Rare copper engraving from “Nova et Accurata Italiae Hoderniae Descriptio” published in Leiden by Bonaventura e A. Elsevir in 1627. [cod.276/15]
- Year: 1627
- Dimension: 241 x 171 mm
- Place of publication: Leiden
Interesting town plan of the walled city of Lucca from the rare Schauplatz des Krieges In Italien, Oder Accurate Beschreibung der Lombardey by Thomas Fritschen published in Leipzig in 1702.
- Year: 1702
- Dimension: 130 x 145 mm
- Place of publication: Lipsia
Copper engraving from “Curioses Staats-Kriegstheatrum in Bayern, Franken, Hispanien, Italien” published in Amburg in 1702 by J. Stridbeck and his son J. Stridbeck Junior. [cod.099/15]
- Year: 1725
- Dimension: 165 x 290 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg
Nice copper engraving of the town from “Itinerario overo nuova descrittione dei viaggi principali d’Italia” published in Venice by Brigonci in 1679. [cod.277/15]
- Year: 1679
- Dimension: 120 x 120 mm
- Place of publication: Venice
A beautiful tinted lithograph showing the Palazzo Comunale in Prato by O. Saunier based on a drawn by A. Durand from the famous “La Toscane” published in Paris at Lemercier in 1863.
- Year: 1863
- Dimension: 455 x 320 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
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Uncommon regional map showing Emilia Romagna and Massa Carrara in Tuscany finely engraved by Pietro Allodi after a drawn by Filippo Naymiller. From Atlante di geografia universale: cronologico, storico, statistico e letterario. Milan, 1860 at Tipografia Pagnoni. Includes a second sheet of text providing really interesting geographical and statistical information on the areas shown.
- Year: 1860
- Place of publication: Milan
- Dimension: 43 x 33 cm
Plan and fortification of the town from “Force D’Europe…” by G. Bodenehr published in Augsburg in 1725. Perfect condition. [cod.100/15]
- Year: 1725
- Dimension: 150 x 180 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg
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A beautiful tinted lithograph of Piombino by O. Saunier based on a drawn by A. Durand from the famous “La Toscane” published in Paris at Lemercier in 1863.
- Year: 1863
- Dimension: 450 x 305 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
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Bird’s eye plan of the city of Pisa. The city sits on both banks of the River Arno with bridges spanning the river at left and right. Finely engraved to show a great amount of detail. Coat of arms and a key to the principal buildings. The “Campanile” is recognizable as the Leaning Tower of Pisa. [cod.268/15]
- Dimension: 195 x 270 mm
- Place of publication: Frankfurt