Rare copper engraving of Lucca from “Theatro delle citta’ d’Italia, con nova aggiunta” by Francesco Bertelli published in 1629. [cod.275/15]
Rare copper engraving of Lucca from “Theatro delle citta’ d’Italia, con nova aggiunta” by Francesco Bertelli published in 1629. [cod.275/15]
- Author: BERTELLI Francesco
- Year: 1629
- Dimension: 113 x 170 mm
- Place of publication: Padova
€ 180,00
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Plan and fortification of the town from “Force D’Europe…” by G. Bodenehr published in Augsburg in 1725. Perfect condition. [cod.286/15]
- Author: BODENHER Gabriel
- Year: 1725
- Dimension: 155 x 240 mm
- Place of publication: Augsburg
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Bella e rara carta geografica della Toscana pubblicata da Matteo Florimi a Siena nel 1600 (firma in basso a destra) basata sulla mappa della medesima area disegnata da Girolamo Bellarmato e pubblicata da Claudio Duchetti a Roma nel 1558. Girolamo Bellarmato (Siena 1493 – 1560) fu matematico, ingegnere, architetto e cartografo e la sua carta corografica della Toscana fu il modello cartografico almeno per mezzo secolo. Oltre al Florimi, si ispirarono alla Tuscia del Bellarmato…
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- Year: 1602 ca
- Dimension: 490 x 360 mm
- Place of publication: Siena
Nice and detailed map from “Parallela geographica Italiae veteris et novae”, a very rare work by Philip Briet published in Paris in 1649 at Sebastian Cramoisy. [cod.272/15]
- Author: BRIET Philippe
- Year: 1649
- Dimension: 160 x 190 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
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A fine miniature map of Siena from “Theatro del Mondo” the famous plagiarised version of Ortelius’ pocket atlas published specifically for the Italian market by Pietro Marchetti. First printed in Brescia this is the really rare Venetian edition of 1667. Italian text on verso. [cod.176/15]
- Author: MARCHETTI Pietro
- Year: 1667
- Dimension: 75 x 105 mm
- Place of publication: Venice