Reduced version of Mercator?s superb map of western Africa covering from Senegal, Rio Senega, to Cape Lopez on the Gulf of Guinea just below the equator. The map reflects the Portuguese
- Author: MERCATOR Gerard - HONDIUS Henricus
- Year: 1648
- Dimension: 185 x 135 mm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam
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Decorative pictorial map of North-Western Africa by Lucien Boucher published by the French bank Crédit Lyonnais. Includes color coded list of agencies and coat of Arms on upper right corner. The lovely vignettes show major buildings and landmarks, parks, roads, cities and towns, etc. Credit Lyonnais, founded in 1863, can be regarded as the archetype of the banking modernization desired by Napoleon III. Title framed with decorative cartouche.
Design by Lucien Boucher who is a famous commercial poster artist and illustrator born in Chartres in 1889 and died in 1971. Graduated from the Ecole de céramiques de Sèvres, he began his career as cartoonist for the satiric newspaper Le Rire. In the 1920s he worked actively as poster designer for the movies and the advertising industry. He designed a significant number of lithography’s inspired by the surrealism style. He’s very well known of a series of posters (advertising & world map) designed for Air France- Author: Lucien Boucher
- Dimension: 95 x 69 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1950
Fine map engraved map by Giuseppe Pitteri showing East Africa, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia, covers also the Red Sea and the coast of Arabia, naming Jiddah and Aden. The title cartouche appears on a stone monolith. From Atlante Novissimo, illustrato ed accresciuto sulle osservazioni, e scoperte fatte dai più celebri e più recenti cartografi by Antonio Zatta published in Venice 1779-1785. Very good condition with nice and decorative original colours.
- Author: ZATTA Antonio
- Year: 1779
- Dimension: 310 x 400 mm
- Place of publication: Venice
“This is one of the most decorative and popular of all the early maps of Africa” [Norwich]
- Author: BLAEU Johannis
- Dimension: 41 x 55,5 cm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam
- Year: 1635
Carta economica della Tripolitania e Cirenaica dedicata a S.A.R. il Duca di Genova. Pubblicata dalla Società di esplorazione commerciale in Africa sotto la direzione del Capitano M. Camperio …
More Info € 200,00Dettagliata carta geografica della Tripolitania e Cirenaica edita dalla Società di esplorazione commerciale in Africa e compilata dal geografo ed esploratore Manfredo Camperio. L’attività del Camperio in Africa fu di grande intensità tanto che l’esploratore fu tra i primi a portare l’attenzione dell’Italia sulle coste libiche organizzando missioni di studio, alle quali partecipò personalmente. In particolare, il Camperio fu incaricato il 7 febbraio 1881, dal Comitato della Società d’Esplorazione Commerciale in Africa, di partire per…
- Author: Manfredo Camperio (1826-1899)
- Dimension: 47 x 64 cm
- Place of publication: Milan
- Year: 1883