A very interesting and decorative map of the Holy Land by the Jesuit monk Jacobus Tirinus. Oriented to the east, map depicts from Syria and Tyre southward as far as the Sinai, Egypt and Thebes. The Mediterranean is decorated with sailing ships and, in the lower left quadrant, a surveying tool between two censors. Surrounding the map proper on the left, right, and bottom margins, there are 19 maps and images of Biblical objects. The largest and most central of these is a stunning inset of Jerusalem, which notes the various temples and important buildings located there. Other images include the Arc of the Covenant, Israelite coins, Roman antiquities, views of a Menorah, various angels, and a plan of the Temple. From the S. Scripturam commentarius duobus tomus comprehensus, quibus explicantur hoc primo post varia prolegomena Vetus fere Testamentum published in Venice in 1730.
Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem Formam Redacta, et ex Variis Auctoribus…
- Author: Jacobus Tirinus
- Dimension: 310 x 820 mm
- Place of publication: Venice
- Year: 1730
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Striking map showing the routes of Sabena Airlines throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Europe created in beautiful color patterns with the oceans surrounding it in blue tones. The map features many of the cities printed in gold, as well as the flight patterns that connect them together. The routes delineated in the map show the two main hubs of Sabena to be Brussels with Leopoldville, capital of the Belgian Congo (now Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo) with a large number of other destinations around and between them. African tribal art is used in this image as part of the design as well as the regional representation of ethnic people. Published in Brussels by Marci in 1960.
- Dimension: 100 x 64 cm
- Place of publication: Bruxelles
- Year: 1960
Palestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella Sigenens
More Info € 120,00Fascinating miniature version of Ortelius’ modern map of the Holy Land finely engraved by Philippe Galle. It shows the path of the Children of Israel through the wilderness and a few major cities. French text on verso.
- Author: ORTELIUS Abraham
- Year: 1598
- Dimension: 75 x 105 mm
- Place of publication: Antwerp
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Grande mappa pittorica della città di Erevan, la capitale armena, redatta in cirillico russo e caratterizzata dal tipico gusto grafico sovietico di metà secolo filtrato attraverso la tradizione armena, eseguita dall’importante geografo e statista Grigor Yeremovich Avagyan e pubblicato a Erevan nel 1971 dall’Autorità per la Conservazione Culturale. Yerevan essendo stata fondata nel 782 AC è una delle più antiche città ininterrottamente abitate al mondo. Nel 1920, quando divenne capitale dell’Armenia sovietica, Yerevan era un…
- Author: Grigor Yeremovich Avagyan
- Dimension: 82,5 x 62 cm
- Place of publication: Erevan
- Year: 1971
Chorographia Palestinae, seu Ter.re Sanctae. Delineavit Pater Cosmographus Vincentius Coronelli Venetus M.DCCXIV
More Info € 350,00Uncommon detailed map of Holy Land centered on Jerusalem. It is orientated with north to the left and based on Adrichom’s map of 1590. In the title Coronelli is granted as mapmaker but the nice map is from an unidentified work (perhaps an 8° french volume) because Coronelli never published a map of the Holy Land. Not in Laor.
- Author: Anon.
- Dimension: 21,5 x 49,5
- Year: 1714