20th Century
Showing 217–223 of 223 results
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A beautiful large poster map of Italy by Nicola Simbari published in Rome at Salomone by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Trade as advertisement for Italy’s myriad world-class wines, with each region noted for the wine which it produces. Superb colors and lovely vignettes through the map.
Nicola Simbari (1917-2012) was born in San Lucido, Calabria And grew up in Rome, where his father was an architect for the Vatican. At the age of 13, Nicola enrolled at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma and in the 1940s he began devoting himself to painting in a studio at via del Babuino in central Rome. Geometric forms and architectural structures are incorporated in almost all of his work. Using stunning colors and favoring brilliant tones, he paints with a palette knife and achieves great depth with this technique. Simbari’s paintings are full of light and energy. He developed a distinct style which stemmed from his impressions of life, nature and the Mediterranean at an early age.- Dimension: 100 x 65 cm
- Place of publication: Rome
- Year: 1957
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Divertente e ricca carta geo-pittorica della Sicilia disegnata da Fulvio Ariani (firma sulla spiaggia di Marina di Ragusa) e commissionata dalla regione Sicilia per promuovere i vini e i prodotti tipici gastronomici dell’isola. Una nota in alto a sinistra sottolinea che i nomi riportati nella mappa si riferiscono ai vini D.O.C. mentre i numeri da 1 a 36 rimandano ad una legenda che elenca alcuni dei vini più pregiati e celebri. Pubblicata a Palermo nel 1979 presso Arti Grafiche Siciliane.
- Dimension: 33 x 47 cm
- Place of publication: Palermo
- Year: 1979
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Bellissimo grande manifesto del celebre illustratore e ceramista Virgilio Retrosi disegnato per promuovere il turismo in Sicilia con il motto “Eterna Primavera”. Pubblicato a Palermo nel 1952 dall’Assessorato del Turismo e dello Spettacolo. Virgilio Retrosi (Roma 1892 – 1975) Allievo, alla Regia Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, di Duilio Cambellotti è attivo come ceramista già nel primo decennio del Novecento. Nel 1911 esordisce, in occasione dell’Esposizione Internazionale di Roma per il cinquantenario dell’Unità d’Italia.…
- Dimension: 100 x 70 cm
- Place of publication: Palermo
- Year: 1952
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Una delle più rare e ambite rappresentazioni pittoriche di New York! Questa iconica e grande veduta prospettica di New York City fu disegnata nel 1950 da Nils Hansell, all’epoca alle dipendenze di IBM come direttore del Journal of Research and Development e pubblicata dallo stesso Hansell presso la litografia Lutz & Sheinkman. La mappa è un vortice di colorate e vivaci immagini che descrivono gli edifici, le attività produttive e di intrattenimento della città americana.…
- Dimension: 84 x 64 cm
- Place of publication: North Stonington (Connecticut)
- Year: 1950
A large very decorative Japanese world map published as sugoroku (a Japanese game which might be compared to backgammon) published as a supplement to the 1930 New Year’s Day edition of the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. The really interesting map is drawn on a Mollweide projection instead the more commonly used Mercator projection: cartographers use the Mollweide projection when an accurate representation of area takes precedence over the accuracy of shapes. Countries are in shades…
- Dimension: 1070 x 770 mm
- Place of publication: Osaka
- Year: 1930
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Bella cartolina postale raffigurante l’Europa durante la prima guerra mondiale. Edita da J. Monn Munchen
- Dimension: 90 x 140 mm
- Place of publication: Monaco
- Year: 1915
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Interesting Japanese propaganda map centered on Pacific showing China, other East Asian countries, Russia, South East Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands and North America. It also includes many visual charts comparing the figures of army and navies of Japan, United States, Russia, and Great Britain. It also features the numbers of Japanese, living in each country or region and trading figures. This map shows the military and economic relations of Japan with other major countries and…
- Dimension: 75 x 104 cm
- Place of publication: Tokyo
- Year: 1935