20th Century
Showing 109–120 of 223 results
Very decorative pictorial map of Europe by Joop Geesink for KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines.
- Dimension: 40 x 54,5 cm
- Place of publication: Haarlem
- Year: 1957
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Highly decorative and detailed pictorial map of Europe by cartographers Otto Wommelsdorff and Carl Schietzel, featuring illustrations by artist Wilhelm Neufeld to depict cultural, folkloristic, and economic aspects of each nation. Published in Bergen in 1951 at Müller & Kiepenheuer.
- Dimension: 84 x 105 cm
- Place of publication: Bergen
- Year: 1951
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Pregevole e rara veduta a volo d’uccello che mostra l’intera Europa dalle coste del Mediterraneo in primo piano fino all’Islanda, all’”Oceano Glaciale” e la curvatura terrestre sullo sfondo. Pubblicata dalla ditta Vallardi di Milano nel 1845 con un raffinatissimo tratto litografico e un decorativo e riuscito accostamento cromatico. I Vallardi furono una famiglia di editori, librai e tipografi milanesi.La storia della casa editrice inizia nel XVIII secolo, quando Francesco Cesare Vallardi (1736-1799) cominciò la produzione…
- Dimension: 40 x 52 cm
- Place of publication: Milan
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A lovely and uncommon map of Europe published in Paris by the pharmaceutical laboratories Neutroses-Vichy in 1939 at Petit Jean. The European countries are symbolized by small vignette: the Eiffel Tower for France, the bullfighter for Spain, the golf player for England, the kilt dancer for Scotland, the loggers in Sweden and Norway, the beer in Germany etc. The French colonies of North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia) and the Near East (Syria) are in red.
- Dimension: 310 x 210 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1939
Color pictorial map of Central and Eastern Europe from Greece to Poland, Baltic and Russia, with decorative title cartouche and borders, depict countries, regions, major cities, industries, agriculture and wildlife. Includes decorative compass rose oriented with the north to upper left margin. Relief shown pictorially. Published by Ode Paris in 1951 from a drawn by Jaques Liozu.
- Dimension: 410 x 560 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1951
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Bella carta geo-pittorica disegnata dall’artista svizzero Otto M. Muller e pubblicata nel 1939 dall’Ufficio Centrale Svizzero per la Promozione dei Trasporti con sede a Zurigo. La mappa, facente parte di una serie di 8 carte che coprono l’intero territorio Svizzero, ha lo scopo di mostrare attraverso l’immediatezza delle vignette e simboli grafici le ricchezze e le peculiarità del patrimonio culturale, artistico e gastronomico della Svizzera e come l’importante apparato dei trasporti ne permetteva una facile ed efficiente fruizione ai turisti.
- Dimension: 36 x 54 cm
- Place of publication: Zurich
- Year: 1939
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Raro manifesto di propaganda disegnato da Robert Louis che mostra il percorso della 1ª Divisione France Libre attraverso Africa, Europa e Medio Oriente arricchito in alto dallo stemma dell’organizzazione, l’emblema ufficiale (croce di Lorena) e una grande rosa dei venti. La grande rappresentazione è circondata dagli stemmi delle varie unità che componevano il movimento creato da Charles de Gaulle. Pubblicato dalla tipografia Draeger nel 1945 in 2975 esemplari numerati (questo è il numero 2685). cfr.…
- Dimension: 85 x 62,5 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1945
Color pictorial map of Franche Comte now Bourgogne covered with vignettes drawings of people and products of the province with explanation, representing region’s historical figures and events, resources, sights, churches, important buildings, people, activities, crops, etc. Includes decorative title cartouche and compass rose. Relief shown pictorially. Published by Ode Paris in 1951 from a drawn by Jaques Liozu.
- Dimension: 490 x 320 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1951
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This colorful poster was designed for The French Line of cruise ships in 1953 by the French artist Jean Mercier to promote the route that connects France and England to the Caribbean and Central American nations of Colombia and Venezuela. The Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, typically known overseas as the French Line, was a shipping company established in 1861 as an attempt to revive the French merchant marine, the poor state of which was self-evident during…
- Dimension: 54 x 32 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1953
La mappa di propaganda che descrive la situazione politica in Europa allo scoppio della Prima Guerra Mondiale realizzata a Milano dall’atelier litografico Ricciotti al tempo operante in Porta Romana. In basso due legende indicano graficamente il numero delle forze militari terrestri e navali e ai lati le bandiere nazionali. La carta è completata da inserti circolari con i ritratti dei comandanti militari: Joseph Jacques Césaire Joffre (Francia), l’Ammiraglio Sir John Rushworth Jellicoe (Inghilterra), il Granduca…
- Dimension: 41 x 58 cm
- Place of publication: Milan
- Year: 1914
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A decorative bird’s-eye view of the Jerusalem with select buildings shown pictorially; central historical area highlighted; folded into card cover. Drawn by Bernhard Gauer and published in Jerusalem in 1935 circa by Boulos Afif. Includes location of police, hospitals, bus routes and many buildings opened during the British Mandate period: Edison Theatre (1932), Government House (1930), King David Hotel (1931), YMCA (1933), and the Rockefeller Museum (1938). Verso: Historical sketch and 22 places of interest. Bernhard Gauer (1882 –1955) Studied at Munich Academy, then in Italy, eventually settling and working in Dusseldorf. Known for painting, stained glass, and mosaics. Awarded Great Cross of Merit by West Germany, 1952.
- Dimension: 45 x 56,5 cm
- Place of publication: Jerusalem
- Year: 1935
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Large pictorial map of Holland adorned with charming vignettes depicting the key attractions, typical products, historical references, natural and commercial resources of the region. At top left the title with a compass rose, and the edges showcase images summarizing the country’s unique characteristics. Created by O. Menar and published in The Hague by The Netherlands Government Economic Information Service in 1970 c.
- Dimension: 80 x 110 cm
- Place of publication: The Hague
- Year: 1970