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Grande e dettagliatissima carta pittoresca del mondo disegnata da F. Heinrichsen che mostra attraverso deliziose vignette l’ingegno e l’operosità dell’uomo e le caratteristiche di tutte le aeree della Terra: accanto a ogni toponimo sono infatti riportate le caratteristiche del luogo come per esempio il tabacco a Cuba, il rum e lo zucchero nelle isole caraibiche, oro e diamanti in alcune aree dell’Africa, petrolio in Arabia, le famose olive di Creta o le vignette degli agrumi…
- Author: F. Heinrichsen
- Dimension: 114 x 66,5 cm
- Place of publication: Stuttgart
- Year: 1947
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A decorative world map showing the significant expansion of the airline network from Paris to Europe, Africa, Americas, Asia and Australia. The map was published to advertise also the comfortable aircraft Vickers Viscount a new British medium-range turboprop airliner first flown in 1948, the first such aircraft to enter service in the world. The Viscount was well received by the public for its cabin conditions, which included pressurisation, reductions in vibration and noise, and panoramic windows. It became one of the most successful and profitable of the first post-war transport aircraft. The large map, published by Atelier Perceval as depliant brochure in 1950 is decorated by a compass rose. On the verso pics of the aircraft and description of its comforts and some photos of the most beautiful destinations.
- Author: Perceval
- Dimension: 49 x 88 cm
- Year: 1950
- Place of publication: Paris
Rare pictorial map of the world by Gianni Ciferri published in Brescia in 1963 exclusively for school’s teachers. There are several and lovely vignettes throughout the map to illustrate the main features of the various areas of the world. At right eight views showing London, Niagara Falls, New York etc…
- Author: Gianni Ciferri
- Dimension: 52 x 75 cm
- Place of publication: Brescia
- Year: 1963
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A large and most striking educational wall chart introducing the student to the wonders of the universe compiled by Etienne Laporte and engraved by Th. Gheldof. A large circular depiction of the solar system with star map and comets, printed in blue, black and white dominates, the upper half of the chart. Descriptive text, printed in eight columns, is found below and which describes each of the planets with one section devoted to a discussion of comets. Sixteen striking illustrations form a border around the chart and which include depiction’s of icebergs at the poles, the Cotopaxi Volcano, eclipses, a cross section of the earth, orbits of the comets, the phases of the moon, and faces of the moon and jupiter, a large telescope, and the Aurore Boreales. Four smaller circular illustrations surround the main solar system illustration, with the title located centrally and contained within an image of a globe. The British Library date their copy to 1875, with the BnF suggesting a date of 1877, another version with differences in the vignettes at David Rumsey map Centre (11289.000) is dated 1878. Dissected into 32 sections and laid on linen as issued due its nature ha some occasional light soiling and foxing, minor creases, traces of age or little hole without loss. Overall a striking example.
- Author: Etienne Laporte
- Dimension: 134 x 96 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1875