A rare separate map showing all Napoleon’s travels and stages of life. Compiled by René Barbier and published by Girard & Barrere in Paris, 1943. Cfr: Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, GE C-15230
La vie de Napoléon Bonaparte. Etapes et conquêtes, 15 août 1769 – 5 mai 1821
- Author: René Barbier
- Dimension: 95 x 61 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1943
€ 350,00
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Raro manifesto di propaganda disegnato da Robert Louis che mostra il percorso della 1ª Divisione France Libre attraverso Africa, Europa e Medio Oriente arricchito in alto dallo stemma dell’organizzazione, l’emblema ufficiale (croce di Lorena) e una grande rosa dei venti. La grande rappresentazione è circondata dagli stemmi delle varie unità che componevano il movimento creato da Charles de Gaulle. Pubblicato dalla tipografia Draeger nel 1945 in 2975 esemplari numerati (questo è il numero 2685). cfr.…
- Author: Robert Louis
- Dimension: 85 x 62,5 cm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1945
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Striking map showing the routes of Sabena Airlines throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Europe created in beautiful color patterns with the oceans surrounding it in blue tones. The map features many of the cities printed in gold, as well as the flight patterns that connect them together. The routes delineated in the map show the two main hubs of Sabena to be Brussels with Leopoldville, capital of the Belgian Congo (now Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo) with a large number of other destinations around and between them. African tribal art is used in this image as part of the design as well as the regional representation of ethnic people. Published in Brussels by Marci in 1960.
- Dimension: 100 x 64 cm
- Place of publication: Bruxelles
- Year: 1960
A rare satirical caricature showing the British Empire as a mighty colossus standing astride the Dardanelles facing the Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus, and the Black Sea. The fine lithograph refers to an episode in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) when the Ottomans defeated by the Russians were aided by the British Empire. A warning to the world against Russia’s duplicity, but also against Great Britain itself, which, although a saviour here, nevertheless expresses a sinister…
- Author: Augusto Grossi
- Dimension: 40 x 56 cm
- Place of publication: Bologna
- Year: 1877
A beautiful 1917 French propaganda postcard showing in a satirical manner the German territorial expansion in Europe in the form of an octopus.
- Author: Varry
- Dimension: 90 x 140 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
- Year: 1917