Very fine burin by Philips Galle after Jan van der Straet. From the series “Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium”. In the centre foreground, Diana, holding an olive branch, is seated upon a rock beside a reclining river god with a cornucopia; on either side fishermen men wade in a river with nets and mallets; beyond, the river, spanned by a bridge, flows between two hills with villages. Below “Surdescit sonitu ad petras e gurgite piscis / Ascendit, millo capitur molimine in undis.” First state of two before the numbering. Excellent conditions with full margins. [cod.964/15]
La pesca con il martello
Very fine burin by Philips Galle after Jan van der Straet. From the series “Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium”. In the centre foreground, Diana, holding an olive branch, is seated upon a rock beside a reclining river god with a cornucopia; on either side fishermen men wade in a river with nets and mallets; beyond, the river, spanned by a bridge, flows between two hills with villages. [cod.964/15]
- Year: 1578
- Dimension: 291 x 218 mm
€ 250,00