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Carte des Expeditions de Guerre en Italie l’An 1742 e 1743 qui represente les sieged de Mirandole et de Modene, de meme que le campem des Espagnols pres Bologne e l’action sur la riviere de Panaro

Four curious maps on one sheet showing the detailed scene of the battle between the allied and imperial army near Bologna, Modena Mirandola and on Panaro river. Published by Homann Heirs, perhaps in composite atlases as well as in separate sheets. The titles and keys to both maps are given in German and Italian. With striking original colour.

Four curious maps on one sheet showing the detailed scene of the battle between the allied and imperial army near Bologna, Modena Mirandola and on Panaro river. Published by Homann Heirs, perhaps in composite atlases as well as in separate sheets. The titles and keys to both maps are given in German and Italian. With striking original colour.