Rare copper engraving of Palermo in Sicily from Theatro delle città d’Italia, con nova aggiunta by Pietro Bertelli, pubblished by Francesco Bertelli in 1629.
Rare copper engraving of Palermo in Sicily from Theatro delle città d’Italia, con nova aggiunta by Pietro Bertelli, pubblished by Francesco Bertelli in 1629.
- Author: BERTELLI Francesco
- Year: 1629
- Dimension: 110 x 170 mm
- Place of publication: Padova
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Nice depiction of Scylla and Charybdis located on the Strait of Messina off the coast of Sicily and opposite the rock on the Italian mainland. From Merian’s “Topographia Italiae” pubblished in Franckfurt in 1688. Mattheus Merian was a notable Swiss engraver, born in Basle in 1593, who subsequently studied in Zurich and then moved to Frankfurt where he met Theodore de Bry, whose daughter he married in 1617. [cod.463/15]
- Author: MERIAN Mattheus
- Year: 1688
- Dimension: 195 x 270 mm
- Place of publication: Frankfurt
Very rare aquatint view from “Voyage pittoresque en Sicile” by Gicault de la Salle published in Paris in 1822.
- Author: GIGAULT DE LA SALLE Achille Etienne
- Year: 1822
- Dimension: 295 x 425 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
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Elegante e dettagliata carta geografica della Sicilia tratta dall’opera di Benedetto Marzolla La descrizione del Regno delle due Sicilie pubblicata a Napoli nel 1854. La parte destra della grande rappresentazione è dominata da un pannello descrittivo con le statistiche sulle provincie dell’isola; in basso a sinistra la scala grafica delle distanze e la legenda dei segni convenzionali. La carta della Sicilia, disegnata da Marzolla nel 1853, fu l’ultima ad essere completata prima della pubblicazione dell’atlante…
- Author: Benedetto Marzolla
- Dimension: 66 x 51,5 cm
- Place of publication: Naples
- Year: 1854
An extremely decorative, large, fine old colour example of De Wit’s rare map of Sicily. It shows in detail the cities of Messina, Milazzo, Palermo, Catania and Trapani.
It is considered one of the most beautiful and decorative maps of Sicily from the XVII century. This example is in exceptional old original colour.
The map is embellished with a compass rose, sailing ships, a dedication cartouche and especially, elaborate views of the major cities and ports of Sicily. From Atlas Major by F. De Witt published in Amsterdam in 1680.- Author: DE WIT Frederick
- Year: 1680
- Dimension: 580 x 500 mm
- Place of publication: Amsterdam