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  • Ingegnosa cartolina postale che per mezzo di un ingranaggio in carta permette il movimento di porzioni di territorio ungherese evidenziando così le aree cedute a Austria, Jugoslavia, Romania e Cecoslovacchia dopo la fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale decise durante il famigerato Trattato di Trianon del 1919. In corrispondenza dei confini sono indicate le percentuali di territorio perso a favore del paese vicino; tuttavia il dato più inquietante è il numero di ungheresi indicati come perduti…

    • Author: Gusztav Emich
    • Dimension: 10 x 15 cm
    • Year: 1930
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    Delizioso atlantino storico dedicato ai fanciulli che mostra, con l’ausilio di curiose piccole carte geografiche traforate, la storia delle suddivisioni territoriali dal 1848 al 1929. Edizione speciale a cura della Società Unica di Torino. Edito a Milano nel 1930 da Giovanni De Agostini.

    • Author: G. Malinverno - G. De Agostini
    • Dimension: 23 x 15,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1930
  • pictorial map caucasus
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    A rare pictorial map of the Caucasus published in 1930 by Intourist travel company

    • Author: Intourist
    • Dimension: 43 x 61 cm
    • Place of publication: Moscow
    • Year: 1930
  • mappa sicilia trasporti
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    Fascinating propaganda poster displaying the Mussolini government’s plan to address the issue of communication routes in Sicily. The map depicts the island with clearly highlighted road and rail connections, categorized by color to indicate their operational status, planned developments, and ongoing construction. Additionally, the map includes indications of naval routes from Palermo to Naples, Cagliari, Libya, and Tunisia. It offers an intriguing opportunity to examine the evolution of transportation in Sicily. For example, it’s noteworthy…

    • Author: Bestetti e Tumminelli
    • Dimension: 30 x 45 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1930
  • mappa lago di Como Maggiore e Garda
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    An uncommon very fine art nouveau map of the Italian Lakes in Northern Italy
    • Dimension: 45 x 57 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1930
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    Charming illustrated world map showing the geographical origin of the animals used to make furs designed by the illustrator Paul Ternat (1897-1951) and published by A. Clerin in 1930 for the French association of fur ateliers. The decorative pictorial map is embellished by three large wind roses and galleons in the seas.

    • Author: Paul Ternat
    • Dimension: 24 x 34,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1930
  • Germany Vintage Pictorial map
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    Color pictorial map, with decorative border and title cartouche over compass rose. Shows vignettes of landmarks and buildings, vessels and steam boats, rivers and mountains. Includes inset 8 vignettes showing allegories of science, transport, aeronautics, technics, art, architecture, sport and music. Published by Reichsbahnzentrale fur den Deutschen Reisenverkher in Berlin at Erasmusdruck, 1930.

    • Author: Reichsbahnzentrale fur den Deutschen Reisenverkher
    • Dimension: 58 x 42 cm
    • Place of publication: Berlin
    • Year: 1930
  • A fascinating and intriguing map of the world as a board game, featuring 142 numbered squares that start and end in Paris. The map is adorned with vignettes showing flora, fauna, people, and distinctive places from around the world. It is further enriched by vibrant illustrations depicting natural phenomena like the aurora borealis, charming landscapes, and exotic ocean liners and airplanes following their routes. The four corners symbolize Asia, Europe, America, and Africa. Clocks at…

    • Author: Saussine Editeur
    • Dimension: 60 x 84 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1930
  • A large very decorative Japanese world map published as sugoroku (a Japanese game which might be compared to backgammon) published as a supplement to the 1930 New Year’s Day edition of the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. The really interesting map is drawn on a Mollweide projection instead the more commonly used Mercator projection: cartographers use the Mollweide projection when an accurate representation of area takes precedence over the accuracy of shapes. Countries are in shades…

    • Author: Osaka Mainichi Shinbun
    • Dimension: 1070 x 770 mm
    • Place of publication: Osaka
    • Year: 1930