Showing 37–43 of 43 results
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Large pictorial map of Argentina by J. Pennacca showing flora, fauna, natural resources, tourist activities and attractions of the nation. Beautiful Art Deco reminiscent depiction of trains from Buenos Aires to the country’s main destinations. At bottom inserts with small maps of Argentina, Islas Orcadas del Sur, Islas Georgias del Sur and Islas Sandwich del Sur. On verso road map of the nation highlighting roads, railroads, administrative subdivisions, provinces, distances, etc… Published in Buenos Aires in 1946 by the Automovil Club Argentino – Oficina Cartografica in cooperation with Ministry of Transportation.
- Dimension: 98 x 55 cm
- Place of publication: Buenos Aires
- Year: 1946
Fine example of Ganier’s decorative map of Argentina, Patagonia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and parts of Bresil and Peru.From Atlas Spheroidal et Universel de Geographie by M.F.A. Garnier published in Paris at Veuve Jules Renouard in 1862. This atlas is exceptional for its “spheroidal” maps of the globe, showing the various continents and poles, shaded to give the effect of a sphere floating in space. The remaining maps are also very well executed and colored.…
- Year: 1862
- Dimension: 500 x 360 mm
- Place of publication: Paris
An attractive miniature map of South America by Thomas Starling from popular Victorian atlas “The Royal Cabinet Atlas, And Universal Compendium Of All Places In The Known World” published by Bull and Churton in London in 1833. The map is accompanied by a page of text giving the latitude and longitude of the major towns.
- Year: 1833
- Dimension: 90 x 145 mm
- Place of publication: London
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The United States of America – A map of 48 States Easy to Read Comprehensive with over 500 Illustrations
More InfoA large illustrated map of the United States designed by Giorgio “Gio” Tavaglione published in Milan at Ricordi Arti Grafiche, 1988. The pictorial map shows 48 States each with its own Great Seal in bright contrasting colors and filled with lovely illustrations of landmarks, natural wonders, local industries, famous buildings, celebrities and animals. Richly decorated by allegorical title cartouche, compass rose, Statue of Liberty and numerous boats, ships and fish in the oceans. Below are…
- Dimension: 66 x 93 cm
- Place of publication: Milan
- Year: 1988
Lovely pictorial map of the United States featuring information about the varied backgrounds of the citizens and the industries in different parts of the country. The very decorative promotional map issued for the Brussels Universal Exhibition of 1958 shown on America as a multi-national, multi-cultural nation. The map is covered with pictorial images of historical sites and Americans working and playing. Labels on each state show the principal national origins of the residents, for example, Danish, Dutch and German in South Dakota. Across the top are eight figures in stereotypical native clothing (kilt, sombrero, wooden shoes). Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Alaska are shown as territories. At Bottom left the author’s signature. This map was issued as a folded map and it retains its folds.
- Dimension: 49 x 69 cm
- Year: 1958
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Uruguay Tal Cual Es – Mapa Geografico Historico Economico Y Turistico de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay
More InfoGrande carta geografica pittorica dell’Uruguay orientale disegnata dall’illustratore Jorge Elia e pubblicata a Montevideo nel 1978 presso la Escuela Artes Graficas Don Orione. Basata sui rilevamenti del Servizio Geografico Militare e del dipartimento Oceanografico e Idrografico della Marina la grande carta aveva lo scopo di riassumere attraverso deliziose vignette gli aspetti economici, sociali, statistici, culturali e turistici dell’Uruguay costituendo una fonte di informazione visiva e immediata per gli studenti delle scuole superiori.
- Dimension: 56 x 78 cm
- Place of publication: Montevideo
- Year: 1978
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Una delle più rare e ambite rappresentazioni pittoriche di New York! Questa iconica e grande veduta prospettica di New York City fu disegnata nel 1950 da Nils Hansell, all’epoca alle dipendenze di IBM come direttore del Journal of Research and Development e pubblicata dallo stesso Hansell presso la litografia Lutz & Sheinkman. La mappa è un vortice di colorate e vivaci immagini che descrivono gli edifici, le attività produttive e di intrattenimento della città americana.…
- Dimension: 84 x 64 cm
- Place of publication: North Stonington (Connecticut)
- Year: 1950